All publications - existential risk

Loss of biosphere integrity (biodiversity loss and extinctions)


Trouwborst A., Somsen H. (2021) Loss of biosphere integrity (biodiversity loss and extinctions), in Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries [volume not available], 222-245.

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Arbatov A.G. (2023) NUCLEAR METAMORPHOSES, in Polis (Russian Federation) [volume not available], 7-28.

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Can Religion Save the Planet? Looking for Hope within the Eco-Religions of Climate Fiction


Wright J. (2022) Can Religion Save the Planet? Looking for Hope within the Eco-Religions of Climate Fiction, in Science and Religion in Western Literature: Critical and Theological Studies [volume not available], 151-168.

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United Nations reform and the new collective security


Danchin P.G. (2010) United Nations reform and the new collective security, in United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security [volume not available], 1-431.

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A New Ocean State After Nuclear War


DuVivier A., Bachman S., Robock A., Maroon E.A., Scherrer K., Rangel V., Harrison C.S., Garza V., Stevenson S., Rohr T., Heneghan R., Coupe J., Neubauer P., Toon O.B., Lovenduski N.S., Bardeen C.G. (2022) A New Ocean State After Nuclear War, in AGU Advances 3, [pages not available].

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Discounting, Buck-Passing, and Existential Risk Mitigation: The Case of Space Colonization


Gottlieb J. (2022) Discounting, Buck-Passing, and Existential Risk Mitigation: The Case of Space Colonization, in Space Policy 60, [pages not available].

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Information, Expertise, and Authority: The Many Ends of Epidemics


Charters E. (2022) Information, Expertise, and Authority: The Many Ends of Epidemics, in Centaurus 64, 15-30.

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Governance of the global and extra-terrestrial commons: What the maritime context can offer outer space


Roe M. (2023) Governance of the global and extra-terrestrial commons: What the maritime context can offer outer space, in Governance of the Global and Extra-Terrestrial Commons: What the Maritime Context Can Offer Outer Space [volume not available], 1-457.

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The Values and Directions of Uploaded Minds


Olson N. (2014) The Values and Directions of Uploaded Minds, in Intelligence Unbound: The Future of Uploaded and Machine Minds [volume not available], 212-221.

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Shifts in food webs and niche stability shaped survivorship and extinction at the end-Cretaceous


Wilson Mantilla G.P., Chiarenza A.A., Heino J., Mannion P.D., Williamson T.E., Brusatte S.L., García-Girón J., DeMar D.G., Alahuhta J. (2022) Shifts in food webs and niche stability shaped survivorship and extinction at the end-Cretaceous, in Science Advances 8, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography

Existential risk