All publications - existential risk

Why space exploitation may provide sustainable development: Climate ethics and the human future as a multi-planetary species


Reiss M.J., Szocik K. (2023) Why space exploitation may provide sustainable development: Climate ethics and the human future as a multi-planetary species, in Futures 147, [pages not available].

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Blueprint for forever: Securing human far futures with ectogenesis


Edwards M.R. (2023) Blueprint for forever: Securing human far futures with ectogenesis, in Futures 146, [pages not available].

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Climate Change Peace and Conflict


Taylor N.B. (2023) Climate Change Peace and Conflict, in Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies [volume not available], 109-138.

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Big bang, low bar - risk assessment in the public arena


Price H. (2024) Big bang, low bar - risk assessment in the public arena, in Royal Society Open Science 11, [pages not available].

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Emerging Technologies, Risk, Peace, and Conflict


Taylor N.B. (2023) Emerging Technologies, Risk, Peace, and Conflict, in Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies [volume not available], 139-190.

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Value Cores for Inner and Outer Alignment: Simulating Personality Formation via Iterated Policy Selection and Preference Learning with Self-World Modeling Active Inference Agents


Sheikhbahaee Z., Hay N., Hoey J., Orchard J., Safron A. (2023) Value Cores for Inner and Outer Alignment: Simulating Personality Formation via Iterated Policy Selection and Preference Learning with Self-World Modeling Active Inference Agents, in Communications in Computer and Information Science 1721 CCIS, 343-354.

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Greening the Universe: The Case for Ecocentric Space Expansion


Owe A. (2023) Greening the Universe: The Case for Ecocentric Space Expansion, in Reclaiming Space: Progressive and Multicultural Visions of Space Exploration [volume not available], 325-336.

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Medical countermeasures against chemical threats: A review of antidotes


Zhang Y.X., Zhou W.X., Liu G. (2016) Medical countermeasures against chemical threats: A review of antidotes, in Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 30, 1411-1418.

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Shutdown-seeking AI


Robinson P., Goldstein S. (2024) Shutdown-seeking AI, in Philosophical Studies [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential Risks to Humanity Should Concern International Policymakers and More Could Be Done in Considering Them at the International Governance Level


Boyd M., Wilson N. (2020) Existential Risks to Humanity Should Concern International Policymakers and More Could Be Done in Considering Them at the International Governance Level, in Risk Analysis [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.

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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography

Existential risk