All publications - existential risk

Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity


Dirzo R., Ehrlich P.R., Ceballos G. (2022) Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity, in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377, [pages not available].

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Correction: The End of the World As We Have Known It? An Introduction to Collapsology (Pastoral Psychology, (2022), 10.1007/s11089-022-01026-y)


Bingaman K.A. (2022) Correction: The End of the World As We Have Known It? An Introduction to Collapsology (Pastoral Psychology, (2022), 10.1007/s11089-022-01026-y), in Pastoral Psychology [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Acid damage to vegetation following the Laki fissure eruption in 1783 - an historical review


Grattan J.P., Pyatt F.B. (1994) Acid damage to vegetation following the Laki fissure eruption in 1783 - an historical review, in Science of the Total Environment, The 151, 241-247.

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Embracing Extinction


McFarland S.E. (2021) Embracing Extinction, in Women's Studies 50, 837-842.

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Myths, techno solutionism and artificial intelligence: Reclaiming AI materiality and its massive environmental costs


Brevini B. (2023) Myths, techno solutionism and artificial intelligence: Reclaiming AI materiality and its massive environmental costs, in Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence [volume not available], 869-877.

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Risk, Non-Identity, and Extinction


Kowalczyk K., Venkatesh N. (2024) Risk, Non-Identity, and Extinction, in Monist 107, 146-156.

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Mathematical Modeling of Distributed Catastrophic and Terrorist Risks1


Haivoronskyy O.O., Ermoliev Y.M., Knopov P.S., Norkin V.I. (2015) Mathematical Modeling of Distributed Catastrophic and Terrorist Risks1, in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 51, 85-95.

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Calibrating machine behavior: a challenge for AI alignment


Firt E. (2023) Calibrating machine behavior: a challenge for AI alignment, in Ethics and Information Technology 25, [pages not available].

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Worst Case Bioethics: Death, Disaster, and Public Health


Annas G.J. (2010) Worst Case Bioethics: Death, Disaster, and Public Health, in Worst Case Bioethics: Death, Disaster, and Public Health [volume not available], 1-360.

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Arbatov A.G. (2023) NUCLEAR METAMORPHOSES, in Polis (Russian Federation) [volume not available], 7-28.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk