All publications - existential risk

Pandemic influenza and the hospitalist: apocalypse when?


Pile J.C., Gordon S.M. (2006) Pandemic influenza and the hospitalist: apocalypse when?, in Journal of hospital medicine (Online) 1, 118-123.

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Existential threats: Climate change, pandemics and institutions


Trebilcock M., Iacobucci E. (2022) Existential threats: Climate change, pandemics and institutions, in Canadian Public Administration 65, 608-619.

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Uncontrollability of artificial intelligence


Yampolskiy R.V. (2021) Uncontrollability of artificial intelligence, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2916, [pages not available].

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Web-based tsunami early warning system: A case study of the 2010 Kepulaunan Mentawai Earthquake and Tsunami


Ulutas E., Inan A., Annunziato A. (2012) Web-based tsunami early warning system: A case study of the 2010 Kepulaunan Mentawai Earthquake and Tsunami, in Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 12, 1855-1871.

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Long Problems: Climate Change and the Challenge of Governing across Time


Hale T. (2024) Long Problems: Climate Change and the Challenge of Governing across Time, in Long Problems: Climate Change and the Challenge of Governing across Time [volume not available], 1-244.

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Gambling with our climate futures: On the temporal structure of negative emissions


Andersson J.D. (2022) Gambling with our climate futures: On the temporal structure of negative emissions, in Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Global AI Ethics Documents: What They Reveal About Motivations, Practices, and Policies


Borenstein J., Laas K., Biddle J.B., Schiff D.S. (2022) Global AI Ethics Documents: What They Reveal About Motivations, Practices, and Policies, in International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology 23, 121-143.

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Taming Gaia 2.0: Earth system law in the ruptured Anthropocene


Kim R.E. (2022) Taming Gaia 2.0: Earth system law in the ruptured Anthropocene, in Anthropocene Review 9, 411-424.

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Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.]


Samake D. (1993) Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.], in Famille et developpement [volume not available], 15-24.

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Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs


Verguet S., Lim S.S., Murray C.J.L., Gakidou E., Salomon J.A. (2013) Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs, in Journal of Infectious Diseases 207, 72-79.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk