All publications - existential risk

Web-based tsunami early warning system: A case study of the 2010 Kepulaunan Mentawai Earthquake and Tsunami


Ulutas E., Inan A., Annunziato A. (2012) Web-based tsunami early warning system: A case study of the 2010 Kepulaunan Mentawai Earthquake and Tsunami, in Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 12, 1855-1871.

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Subsistence societies, globalisation, climate change and genocide: Discourses of vulnerability and resilience


Levene M., Conversi D. (2014) Subsistence societies, globalisation, climate change and genocide: Discourses of vulnerability and resilience, in International Journal of Human Rights 18, 281-297.

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Grey Rhino, Black Swan or Dragon King? The COVID-19 Pandemic in Historical Perspective


Ferguson N. (2023) Grey Rhino, Black Swan or Dragon King? The COVID-19 Pandemic in Historical Perspective, in Evaluating a Pandemic [volume not available], 154-167.

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An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence


Hutter M., Quarel D., Catt E. (2024) An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence, in An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence [volume not available], 1-496.

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Effective altruism and the human mind: The clash between impact and intuition


Schubert S., Caviola L. (2024) Effective altruism and the human mind: The clash between impact and intuition, in Effective Altruism and the Human Mind: The Clash Between Impact and Intuition [volume not available], 1-179.

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Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs


Verguet S., Lim S.S., Murray C.J.L., Gakidou E., Salomon J.A. (2013) Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs, in Journal of Infectious Diseases 207, 72-79.

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Endogenous production, exogenous delivery and impact-shock synthesis of organic molecules: An inventory for the origins of life


Chyba C., Sagan C. (1992) Endogenous production, exogenous delivery and impact-shock synthesis of organic molecules: An inventory for the origins of life, in Nature 355, 125-132.

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International Politics in the Age of Existential Threats


Sears N.A. (2021) International Politics in the Age of Existential Threats, in Journal of Global Security Studies 6, [pages not available].

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Solar superstorms: Planning for an internet apocalypse


Jyothi S.A. (2021) Solar superstorms: Planning for an internet apocalypse, in SIGCOMM 2021 - Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Conference [volume not available], 692-704.

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Arbatov A.G. (2023) NUCLEAR METAMORPHOSES, in Polis (Russian Federation) [volume not available], 7-28.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk