All publications - existential risk

Development of Water Quality System to Monitor Turbidity and Temperature of Water Using GSM Module


Tan M.N.M., Hussein A.B., Naim N.F., Abdul Kadir R.S.B.S., Sarnin S.S., Zahidi D.B. (2020) Development of Water Quality System to Monitor Turbidity and Temperature of Water Using GSM Module, in 2020 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Telecommunication Technologies, ISTT 2020 - Proceedings [volume not available], 70-75.

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Food without agriculture: Food from CO2, biomass and hydrocarbons to secure humanity's food supply against global catastrophe


Denkenberger D.C., Behr J., García Martínez J.B. (2024) Food without agriculture: Food from CO2, biomass and hydrocarbons to secure humanity's food supply against global catastrophe, in Trends in Food Science and Technology 150, [pages not available].

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Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs


Verguet S., Lim S.S., Murray C.J.L., Gakidou E., Salomon J.A. (2013) Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs, in Journal of Infectious Diseases 207, 72-79.

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Pause artificial intelligence research? Understanding AI policy challenges


Goldfarb A. (2024) Pause artificial intelligence research? Understanding AI policy challenges, in Canadian Journal of Economics 57, 363-377.

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Interplanetary Expansion and the Deep Future


Hermida M. (2021) Interplanetary Expansion and the Deep Future, in The Expanse and Philosophy: So far out into the Darkness [volume not available], 13-24.

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Existentialist risk and value misalignment


Tubert A., Tiehen J. (2024) Existentialist risk and value misalignment, in Philosophical Studies [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Climate-driven risks to peace over the 21st century


Hendrix C.S., Benjaminsen T.A., Gilmore E.A., Buhaug H. (2023) Climate-driven risks to peace over the 21st century, in Climate Risk Management 39, [pages not available].

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Global hazards and catastrophic risk: Assessments in the reinsurance industry


Keykhah M. (2005) Global hazards and catastrophic risk: Assessments in the reinsurance industry, in Assessments of Regional and Global Environmental Risks: Designing Processes for the Effective Use of Science in Decisionmaking [volume not available], 242-258.

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Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity


Dirzo R., Ehrlich P.R., Ceballos G. (2022) Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity, in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377, [pages not available].

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Information, Expertise, and Authority: The Many Ends of Epidemics


Charters E. (2022) Information, Expertise, and Authority: The Many Ends of Epidemics, in Centaurus 64, 15-30.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk