All publications - existential risk

Replication ethics


Kent A. (2019) Replication ethics, in Futures [volume not available], [pages not available].

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González R.J. (2022) War Virtually: THE QUEST TO AUTOMATE CONFLICT, MILITARIZE DATA, AND PREDICT THE FUTURE, in War Virtually: The Quest to Automate Conflict, Militarize Data, and Predict the Future [volume not available], 1-251.

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Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs


Verguet S., Lim S.S., Murray C.J.L., Gakidou E., Salomon J.A. (2013) Incorporating loss to follow-up in estimates of survival among HIV-infected individuals in sub-saharan Africa enrolled in antiretroviral therapy programs, in Journal of Infectious Diseases 207, 72-79.

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Endogenous production, exogenous delivery and impact-shock synthesis of organic molecules: An inventory for the origins of life


Chyba C., Sagan C. (1992) Endogenous production, exogenous delivery and impact-shock synthesis of organic molecules: An inventory for the origins of life, in Nature 355, 125-132.

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The Insect Apocalypse: Legal Solutions for Protecting Life on Earth


Lancaster M., Angelo M.J. (2022) The Insect Apocalypse: Legal Solutions for Protecting Life on Earth, in Ecology Law Quarterly 49, 1-76.

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Global AI Ethics Documents: What They Reveal About Motivations, Practices, and Policies


Borenstein J., Laas K., Biddle J.B., Schiff D.S. (2022) Global AI Ethics Documents: What They Reveal About Motivations, Practices, and Policies, in International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology 23, 121-143.

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Reply to Kelman: The foundations for studying catastrophic climate risks


Scheffer M., Kemp L., Kohler T.A., Steffen W., Gibbins G., Lenton T.M., Depledge J., Schellnhuber H.J., Ebi K.L., Rockstrom J., Xu C. (2022) Reply to Kelman: The foundations for studying catastrophic climate risks, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, [pages not available].

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Discounting, Buck-Passing, and Existential Risk Mitigation: The Case of Space Colonization


Gottlieb J. (2022) Discounting, Buck-Passing, and Existential Risk Mitigation: The Case of Space Colonization, in Space Policy 60, [pages not available].

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Existential risk and equal political liberty


Gibbons A.F., Porter J.J. (2024) Existential risk and equal political liberty, in Asian Journal of Philosophy 3, [pages not available].

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Introduction to Icarus special papers on Tunguska


Robertson D.K., Morrison D. (2019) Introduction to Icarus special papers on Tunguska, in Icarus 327, 1-3.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk