All publications - existential risk

Introduction to Icarus special papers on Tunguska


Robertson D.K., Morrison D. (2019) Introduction to Icarus special papers on Tunguska, in Icarus 327, 1-3.

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Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.]


Samake D. (1993) Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.], in Famille et developpement [volume not available], 15-24.

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System engineering geology and environmental sustainable development


Liu Y., Deng H. (2011) System engineering geology and environmental sustainable development, in 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011 - Proceedings [volume not available], 3619-3623.

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Anticipating the apocalypse: Monstrous educational futures


Priyadharshini E. (2019) Anticipating the apocalypse: Monstrous educational futures, in Futures 113, [pages not available].

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Human survival from the viewpoint of contextual individualism: Discussion paper


Bartalos M.K. (1990) Human survival from the viewpoint of contextual individualism: Discussion paper, in Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 83, 573-575.

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Catastrophic Risk: Analysis and Management


Banks E. (2013) Catastrophic Risk: Analysis and Management, in Catastrophic Risk: Analysis and Management [volume not available], [pages not available].

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A new empirical framework to measure beliefs about the future well-being of all humanity


Lou X., Haas B.W. (2024) A new empirical framework to measure beliefs about the future well-being of all humanity, in International Social Science Journal [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Against the Supposed Obligation to Prolong the Human Species


Stoner I. (2024) Against the Supposed Obligation to Prolong the Human Species, in Res Philosophica 101, 639-647.

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Existential Investigations into Our Existential Crisis


Read R., Eastoe J. (2023) Existential Investigations into Our Existential Crisis, in Think (UK) 22, 65-71.

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United Nations reform and the new collective security


Danchin P.G. (2010) United Nations reform and the new collective security, in United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security [volume not available], 1-431.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk