All publications - existential risk

Damage assessment of extreme weather events under climate change


Chen B., Liang R. (2019) Damage assessment of extreme weather events under climate change, in Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice 39, 557-568.

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Risk Analysis: Celebrating the Accomplishments and Embracing Ongoing Challenges


Lowrie K., Greenberg M., North W., Lambert J., Wu F., Cox A., Bier V., Siegrist M. (2020) Risk Analysis: Celebrating the Accomplishments and Embracing Ongoing Challenges, in Risk Analysis [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.]


Samake D. (1993) Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.], in Famille et developpement [volume not available], 15-24.

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Landscape and domains of possible future threats from a societal point of view


Rashidfarokhi A., Toivonen S., Tähtinen L. (2024) Landscape and domains of possible future threats from a societal point of view, in Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 32, [pages not available].

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Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery


Barker K., Baroud H. (2014) Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery, in Reliability Engineering and System Safety 124, 201-206.

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The systemic and global dimension of business resilience in a socio-technical perspective


Garrido P. (2016) The systemic and global dimension of business resilience in a socio-technical perspective, in Sustainability (Switzerland) 8, [pages not available].

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Risk Management in Deadly Times: The U.S. Life Insurance Industry in the 1918–9 Influenza Pandemic


Cortes G.S., Verdickt G. (2024) Risk Management in Deadly Times: The U.S. Life Insurance Industry in the 1918–9 Influenza Pandemic, in Economic History Review [volume not available], [pages not available].

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United Nations reform and the new collective security


Danchin P.G. (2010) United Nations reform and the new collective security, in United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security [volume not available], 1-431.

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Climate catastrophe: The value of envisioning the worst-case scenarios of climate change


Kemp L., Davidson J.P.L. (2023) Climate catastrophe: The value of envisioning the worst-case scenarios of climate change, in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Subsistence societies, globalisation, climate change and genocide: Discourses of vulnerability and resilience


Levene M., Conversi D. (2014) Subsistence societies, globalisation, climate change and genocide: Discourses of vulnerability and resilience, in International Journal of Human Rights 18, 281-297.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk