All publications - existential risk

Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.]


Samake D. (1993) Africa and the environment. Desertification and the phenomenon of drought. Deforestation and reforestation [Afrique et environnement: desertification et phenomene de secheresse, deforestation et reboisement.], in Famille et developpement [volume not available], 15-24.

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Of malthus and methuselah: Does longevity treatment aggravate global catastrophic risks?


Jebari K. (2014) Of malthus and methuselah: Does longevity treatment aggravate global catastrophic risks?, in Physica Scripta 89, [pages not available].

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The Insect Apocalypse: Legal Solutions for Protecting Life on Earth


Lancaster M., Angelo M.J. (2022) The Insect Apocalypse: Legal Solutions for Protecting Life on Earth, in Ecology Law Quarterly 49, 1-76.

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Uncontrollability of artificial intelligence


Yampolskiy R.V. (2021) Uncontrollability of artificial intelligence, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2916, [pages not available].

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Solar superstorms: Planning for an internet apocalypse


Jyothi S.A. (2021) Solar superstorms: Planning for an internet apocalypse, in SIGCOMM 2021 - Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Conference [volume not available], 692-704.

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ParEvo: A methodology for the exploration and evaluation of alternative futures


Beard S., Davies R., Mani L., Hobson T. (2023) ParEvo: A methodology for the exploration and evaluation of alternative futures, in Evaluation [volume not available], [pages not available].

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United Nations reform and the new collective security


Danchin P.G. (2010) United Nations reform and the new collective security, in United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security [volume not available], 1-431.

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Reply to Bhowmik et al.: Democratic climate action and studying extreme climate risks are not in tension


Scheffer M., Kemp L., Kohler T.A., Steffen W., Gibbins G., Lenton T.M., Depledge J., Schellnhuber H.J., Rockström J., Ebi K.L., Xu C. (2022) Reply to Bhowmik et al.: Democratic climate action and studying extreme climate risks are not in tension, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, [pages not available].

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On risk and disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina


Daniels R.J., Kettl D.F., Kunreuther H. (2006) On risk and disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina, in On Risk and Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina [volume not available], 1-293.

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Entropic boundary conditions towards safe artificial superintelligence


Núñez-Corrales S., Jakobsson E. (2023) Entropic boundary conditions towards safe artificial superintelligence, in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 35, 1-33.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk