All publications - existential risk

Resilience to global food supply catastrophes


Pearce J.M., Robock A., Denkenberger D.C., Baum S.D., Winkler R. (2015) Resilience to global food supply catastrophes, in Environment Systems and Decisions 35, 301-313.

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A mathematical modelling for solar irradiance reduction of sunshades and some near-future albedo modification approaches for mitigation of global warming


Ates A., Keles C., Baran B., Alagoz B.B. (2024) A mathematical modelling for solar irradiance reduction of sunshades and some near-future albedo modification approaches for mitigation of global warming, in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 263, [pages not available].

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Systemic risk and security management


Ermoliev Y., von Winterfeldt D. (2012) Systemic risk and security management, in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 658, 19-49.

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Cosmopolitanism and the evils of the world


DeArmey M.H. (2020) Cosmopolitanism and the evils of the world, in Cosmopolitanism and the Evils of the World [volume not available], 1-310.

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United Nations reform and the new collective security


Danchin P.G. (2010) United Nations reform and the new collective security, in United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security [volume not available], 1-431.

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Safe and just Earth system boundaries


Scheffer M., Ciobanu D., Pedde S., Zimm C., Xu C., Xiao C., Gupta J., Armstrong McKay D.I., Zafra-Calvo N., Kanie N., Obura D., Verburg P.H., Qin D., Bala G., Liverman D.M., Mohamed A., DeClerck F., Ebi K., Gifford L., Hasan S., Bringezu S., Zhang X., Nakicenovic N., Rockström J., Gordon C., Tharammal T., van Vuuren D., Scholtens J., Winkelmann R., de Vries W., Ospina D., Bai X., Rammelt C., Sakschewski B., Loriani S., Lenton T.M., Green P.A., Xu X., Abrams J.F., Bennett E.M., Andersen L.S., Stewart-Koster B., Huang L., Schulte-Uebbing L., Jacobson L., Prodani K., Ndehedehe C., Broadgate W., Lade S.J., Rocha J., Bunn S.E. (2023) Safe and just Earth system boundaries, in Nature [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery


Barker K., Baroud H. (2014) Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery, in Reliability Engineering and System Safety 124, 201-206.

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Taming Gaia 2.0: Earth system law in the ruptured Anthropocene


Kim R.E. (2022) Taming Gaia 2.0: Earth system law in the ruptured Anthropocene, in Anthropocene Review 9, 411-424.

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Dataveillant Collectivism and the Coronavirus in Korea: Values, Biases, and Socio-Cultural Foundations of Containment Efforts


Campbell J.W., Kasdan D.O. (2020) Dataveillant Collectivism and the Coronavirus in Korea: Values, Biases, and Socio-Cultural Foundations of Containment Efforts, in Administrative Theory and Praxis [volume not available], [pages not available].

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The more the merrier: Time for a multilateral turn in nuclear disarmament


Smetana M., Ditrych O. (2015) The more the merrier: Time for a multilateral turn in nuclear disarmament, in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 71, 30-37.

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Manually-curated Bibliography

Existential risk

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Existential risk