All publications - existential risk

Climate-driven risks to peace over the 21st century


Hendrix C.S., Benjaminsen T.A., Gilmore E.A., Buhaug H. (2023) Climate-driven risks to peace over the 21st century, in Climate Risk Management 39, [pages not available].

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The existential threat posed by humid heat waves due to global warming


Srinivasan J. (2022) The existential threat posed by humid heat waves due to global warming, in Current Science 123, 247-248.

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Gamma radiation shielding characteristics of concrete mixes-the state of art


Santhoshkumar M., Narasimhan M.C., Nkarkera B. (2013) Gamma radiation shielding characteristics of concrete mixes-the state of art, in International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering 6, 679-687.

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United Nations reform and the new collective security


Danchin P.G. (2010) United Nations reform and the new collective security, in United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security [volume not available], 1-431.

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Talking to the Enemy: Difficult Conversations and Ethnopolitical Conflict


Ellis D.G. (2020) Talking to the Enemy: Difficult Conversations and Ethnopolitical Conflict, in Negotiation and Conflict Management Research [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Rodrigue B.H. (2023) THE BEDROCK OF SURVIVAL: HUMANITY, HISTORY, AND ADAPTATION, in Journal of Globalization Studies 14, 137-169.

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Risk Analysis: Celebrating the Accomplishments and Embracing Ongoing Challenges


Lowrie K., Greenberg M., North W., Lambert J., Wu F., Cox A., Bier V., Siegrist M. (2020) Risk Analysis: Celebrating the Accomplishments and Embracing Ongoing Challenges, in Risk Analysis [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery


Barker K., Baroud H. (2014) Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery, in Reliability Engineering and System Safety 124, 201-206.

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Risk Management in Deadly Times: The U.S. Life Insurance Industry in the 1918–9 Influenza Pandemic


Cortes G.S., Verdickt G. (2024) Risk Management in Deadly Times: The U.S. Life Insurance Industry in the 1918–9 Influenza Pandemic, in Economic History Review [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Global Catastrophic Risk and the Drivers of Scientist Attitudes Towards Policy


Nathan C., Hyams K. (2022) Global Catastrophic Risk and the Drivers of Scientist Attitudes Towards Policy, in Science and Engineering Ethics 28, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk