All publications - existential risk

Governing disasters: The challenge of global disaster law and policy


Fish C., Feldman E.A. (2016) Governing disasters: The challenge of global disaster law and policy, in Comparative Law and Regulation: Understanding the Global Regulatory Process [volume not available], 539-570.

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Disarmament Policies


Khan A. (2022) Disarmament Policies, in Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict: Volume 1-4, Third Edition 3, 589-601.

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Hobbs B.F., Luo Y., Maciejowski M.E., Chester C.V. (1989) WATER SUPPLY IMPACTS OF NUCLEAR FALL, in JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 25, 1-13.

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Mitigating imported fuel dependency in agricultural production: Case study of an island nation's vulnerability to global catastrophic risks


Terry S., Boyd M., Ragnarsson S., Payne B., Wilson N. (2024) Mitigating imported fuel dependency in agricultural production: Case study of an island nation's vulnerability to global catastrophic risks, in Risk Analysis [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Global sustainability targets: Planetary boundary, global catastrophic risk, and disaster risk reduction considerations


Cernev T. (2022) Global sustainability targets: Planetary boundary, global catastrophic risk, and disaster risk reduction considerations, in Progress in Disaster Science 16, [pages not available].

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Strategic plan: Building a international strategy for risk reduction supercourse


Laporte R.E., Chiu W.-T. (2008) Strategic plan: Building a international strategy for risk reduction supercourse, in Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplementum [volume not available], 79-81.

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The Limits of Sustainability: Lessons from Past Societal Collapse and Transformation, for a Civilization Currently Defying Humanity’s Safe Operating Space


Abegão J.L.R. (2022) The Limits of Sustainability: Lessons from Past Societal Collapse and Transformation, for a Civilization Currently Defying Humanity’s Safe Operating Space, in World Sustainability Series [volume not available], 439-454.

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Introduction: Is extinction a thing of the past?


Booth S. (2021) Introduction: Is extinction a thing of the past?, in Reconsidering Extinction in Terms of the History of Global Bioethics [volume not available], 1-8.

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What do the australian black summer fires signify for the global fire crisis?


Griebel A., Cavanagh V.I., Bedward M., Keith D.A., Nolan R.H., Haynes K., Bradstock R.A., Jenkins M.E., Gibson R.K., Price O.F., Williamson G.J., Tozer M.G., Bowman D.M.J.S., Boer M.M., McIlwee A.P., Collins L., Penman T.D., Ooi M.K.J., Whittaker J., Clarke H., Samson S.A. (2021) What do the australian black summer fires signify for the global fire crisis?, in Fire 4, [pages not available].

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Archaeology and rapid climate changes: From the collapse concept to a panarchy interpretative model


Budja M. (2015) Archaeology and rapid climate changes: From the collapse concept to a panarchy interpretative model, in Documenta Praehistorica 42, 171-184.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk