All publications - existential risk

System engineering geology and environmental sustainable development


Liu Y., Deng H. (2011) System engineering geology and environmental sustainable development, in 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011 - Proceedings [volume not available], 3619-3623.

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Fat tails, thin tails, and climate change policy


Pindyck R.S. (2011) Fat tails, thin tails, and climate change policy, in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 5, 258-274.

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A review on human reinstatement studies: An overview and methodological challenges


Lonsdorf T.B., Hermans D., Haaker J., Golkar A. (2014) A review on human reinstatement studies: An overview and methodological challenges, in Learning and Memory 21, 424-440.

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Introduction to Icarus special papers on Tunguska


Robertson D.K., Morrison D. (2019) Introduction to Icarus special papers on Tunguska, in Icarus 327, 1-3.

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Ecocentrism and Biosphere Life Extension


Sandberg A., Jebari K. (2022) Ecocentrism and Biosphere Life Extension, in Science and Engineering Ethics 28, [pages not available].

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Attack of the creationist reverberators! or: The end of the World (As We Know It)


Hartley J. (2010) Attack of the creationist reverberators! or: The end of the World (As We Know It), in Popular Communication 8, 180-185.

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Risk analysis methods for nuclear war and nuclear terrorism


[authors not available] (2023) Risk analysis methods for nuclear war and nuclear terrorism, in Risk Analysis Methods for Nuclear War and Nuclear Terrorism [volume not available], 1-153.

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AI and the falling sky: interrogating X-Risk


Bélisle-Pipon J.C., Ho A., Jecker N.S., Atuire C.A., Ravitsky V. (2024) AI and the falling sky: interrogating X-Risk, in Journal of Medical Ethics [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Entropic boundary conditions towards safe artificial superintelligence


Núñez-Corrales S., Jakobsson E. (2023) Entropic boundary conditions towards safe artificial superintelligence, in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 35, 1-33.

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Grey Rhino, Black Swan or Dragon King? The COVID-19 Pandemic in Historical Perspective


Ferguson N. (2023) Grey Rhino, Black Swan or Dragon King? The COVID-19 Pandemic in Historical Perspective, in Evaluating a Pandemic [volume not available], 154-167.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk