All publications - existential risk

Climate change and existential threats


Kumar A., Nagar S., Anand S. (2021) Climate change and existential threats, in Global Climate Change [volume not available], 1-31.

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Risk, Non-Identity, and Extinction


Kowalczyk K., Venkatesh N. (2024) Risk, Non-Identity, and Extinction, in Monist 107, 146-156.

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Observational bounds on cosmic doomsday


Kallosh R., Kratochvil J., Linde A., Linder E.V., Shmakova M. (2003) Observational bounds on cosmic doomsday, in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics [volume not available], 273-290.

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Weaponization of climate and environment crises: Risks, realities, and consequences


Nguyen M.H., La V.P., Vuong Q.H. (2024) Weaponization of climate and environment crises: Risks, realities, and consequences, in Environmental Science and Policy 162, [pages not available].

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The Story of Two Big Chimneys: A Frame Analysis of Climate Change in US and Chinese Newspapers


Xie L. (2015) The Story of Two Big Chimneys: A Frame Analysis of Climate Change in US and Chinese Newspapers, in Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 44, 151-177.

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Tell the awful truth: It's not just global warming, it's global disaster!


Saier Jr. M.H., Trevors J.T. (2010) Tell the awful truth: It's not just global warming, it's global disaster!, in Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 205.0, S39-S41.

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Riding gravity away from doomsday


Sen A. (2015) Riding gravity away from doomsday, in International Journal of Modern Physics D 24, [pages not available].

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Global Governance and International Cooperation: Managing Global Catastrophic Risks in the 21st Century


Falk R., Lopez-Claros A. (2024) Global Governance and International Cooperation: Managing Global Catastrophic Risks in the 21st Century, in Global Governance and International Cooperation: Managing Global Catastrophic Risks in the 21st Century [volume not available], 1-493.

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Cosmopolitanism and the evils of the world


DeArmey M.H. (2020) Cosmopolitanism and the evils of the world, in Cosmopolitanism and the Evils of the World [volume not available], 1-310.

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AI and the capitalist space economy


Alvarez Leon L.F. (2021) AI and the capitalist space economy, in Space and Polity 25, 220-236.

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Manually-curated Bibliography

Existential risk

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Existential risk