All publications - existential risk

Global Polycrisis: The Causal Mechanisms of Crisis Entanglement


Homer-Dixon T., Donges J.F., Janzwood S., Rockstöm J., Lawrence M., Renn O. (2024) Global Polycrisis: The Causal Mechanisms of Crisis Entanglement, in Global Sustainability [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Humanity extinction by asteroid impact


Salotti J.M. (2022) Humanity extinction by asteroid impact, in Futures 138, [pages not available].

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The nuclear ban treaty and humanitarian strategies to eliminate nuclear threats


Johnson R. (2019) The nuclear ban treaty and humanitarian strategies to eliminate nuclear threats, in Nuclear Disarmament: A Critical Assessment [volume not available], 75-93.

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We have to include everyone: Enabling humanity to reduce existential risk


Wells-Jensen S., Beard S.J. (2023) We have to include everyone: Enabling humanity to reduce existential risk, in The Era of Global Risk: An Introduction to Existential Risk Studies [volume not available], 101-122.

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Effective altruism and the human mind: The clash between impact and intuition


Schubert S., Caviola L. (2024) Effective altruism and the human mind: The clash between impact and intuition, in Effective Altruism and the Human Mind: The Clash Between Impact and Intuition [volume not available], 1-179.

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The paralysis argument


MaCAskill W., Mogensen A. (2021) The paralysis argument, in Philosophers Imprint 21, [pages not available].

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The population Doomsday forecast.


Potts M. (1994) The population Doomsday forecast., in Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87, [pages not available].

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Impact of climate change and biodiversity collapse on the global emergence and spread of infectious diseases


Williams P.C.M., Howard-Jones A., Britton P.N., Khatami A., Bartlett A.W., McMullan B., Marais B.J. (2021) Impact of climate change and biodiversity collapse on the global emergence and spread of infectious diseases, in Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 57, 1811-1818.

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Anthropogenic risk creation: understanding and addressing the challenges via a conceptual model


Dawson I.G.J., Hanoch Y. (2022) Anthropogenic risk creation: understanding and addressing the challenges via a conceptual model, in Journal of Risk Research 25, 218-235.

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Pressure detection at molecular level using pyroelectric sensor


Patri A., Rout S., Samal S. (2013) Pressure detection at molecular level using pyroelectric sensor, in Proceedings - 2013 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, ICACC 2013 [volume not available], 332-335.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk