All publications - existential risk

Theories of Global Collapse: Closing Down or Opening Up the Futures?


Blanchard E., Vigni F.L., Tasset C. (2022) Theories of Global Collapse: Closing Down or Opening Up the Futures?, in Journal of Futures Studies 27, [pages not available].

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What do the australian black summer fires signify for the global fire crisis?


Griebel A., Cavanagh V.I., Bedward M., Keith D.A., Nolan R.H., Haynes K., Bradstock R.A., Jenkins M.E., Gibson R.K., Price O.F., Williamson G.J., Tozer M.G., Bowman D.M.J.S., Boer M.M., McIlwee A.P., Collins L., Penman T.D., Ooi M.K.J., Whittaker J., Clarke H., Samson S.A. (2021) What do the australian black summer fires signify for the global fire crisis?, in Fire 4, [pages not available].

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Tree rings reveal the transient risk of extinction hidden inside climate envelope forecasts


Shaw J.D., Heilman K.A., Tipton J.R., Klesse S., Evans M.E.K., Schultz E.L., Dey S.M.N., DeRose R.J. (2024) Tree rings reveal the transient risk of extinction hidden inside climate envelope forecasts, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121, [pages not available].

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The evolution of international grain trade pattern based on complex network and entropy


Li M., Ma J., Li X. (2023) The evolution of international grain trade pattern based on complex network and entropy, in International Journal of Modern Physics C 34, [pages not available].

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World market development scenario in the context of the coronavirus crisis


Esin P.A. (2020) World market development scenario in the context of the coronavirus crisis, in Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Prikladnaya Nelineynaya Dinamika 28, 158-167.

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AI and the capitalist space economy


Alvarez Leon L.F. (2021) AI and the capitalist space economy, in Space and Polity 25, 220-236.

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Apocalyptic anxiety: Religion, science and America’s obsession with the end of the world


Becks T., Shakes W. (2016) Apocalyptic anxiety: Religion, science and America’s obsession with the end of the world, in Apocalyptic Anxiety: Religion, Science and America's Obsession with the End of the World [volume not available], 1-252.

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The economic and policy consequences of catastrophes


Pindyck R.S., Wang N. (2013) The economic and policy consequences of catastrophes, in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5, 306-399.

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How is existential threat related to intergroup conflict? Introducing the Multidimensional Existential Threat (MET) model


Leidner B., Ein-Dor T., Hirschberger G., Saguy T. (2016) How is existential threat related to intergroup conflict? Introducing the Multidimensional Existential Threat (MET) model, in Frontiers in Psychology 7, [pages not available].

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Mathematical Modeling of Distributed Catastrophic and Terrorist Risks1


Haivoronskyy O.O., Ermoliev Y.M., Knopov P.S., Norkin V.I. (2015) Mathematical Modeling of Distributed Catastrophic and Terrorist Risks1, in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 51, 85-95.

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Existential risk

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Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.

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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography

Existential risk