All publications - existential risk

Catastrophic Risk: Analysis and Management


Banks E. (2013) Catastrophic Risk: Analysis and Management, in Catastrophic Risk: Analysis and Management [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Correction: The End of the World As We Have Known It? An Introduction to Collapsology (Pastoral Psychology, (2022), 10.1007/s11089-022-01026-y)


Bingaman K.A. (2022) Correction: The End of the World As We Have Known It? An Introduction to Collapsology (Pastoral Psychology, (2022), 10.1007/s11089-022-01026-y), in Pastoral Psychology [volume not available], [pages not available].

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World market development scenario in the context of the coronavirus crisis


Esin P.A. (2020) World market development scenario in the context of the coronavirus crisis, in Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Prikladnaya Nelineynaya Dinamika 28, 158-167.

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Global Insanity redux


Mikulecky D.C., Coffman J.A. (2015) Global Insanity redux, in Cosmos and History 11, 1-14.

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An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence


Hutter M., Quarel D., Catt E. (2024) An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence, in An Introduction to Universal Artificial Intelligence [volume not available], 1-496.

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Verification of Arms Control Treaties with Resonance Phenomena


Danagoulian A. (2020) Verification of Arms Control Treaties with Resonance Phenomena, in Nuclear Physics News 30, 25-30.

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Civil wars & transnational threats: Mapping the terrain, assessing the links


Patrick S. (2017) Civil wars & transnational threats: Mapping the terrain, assessing the links, in Daedalus 146, 45-58.

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Rigutto A. (2023) WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? OR: HOW TO LIVE WITH AI?, in International Conferences on Applied Computing 2023, AC 2023 and WWW/Internet 2023, ICWI 2023 [volume not available], 217-221.

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Persistent Stratospheric Warming Due to 2019–2020 Australian Wildfire Smoke


Portmann R.W., Telg H., Yu P., Maloney C., Barnes J.E., Toon O.B., Davis S.M., Rosenlof K.H., Bardeen C.G. (2021) Persistent Stratospheric Warming Due to 2019–2020 Australian Wildfire Smoke, in Geophysical Research Letters 48, [pages not available].

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Global financial networked governance: The power of the financial stability board and its limits


Knaack P. (2022) Global financial networked governance: The power of the financial stability board and its limits, in Global Financial Networked Governance: The Power of the Financial Stability Board and its Limits [volume not available], 1-213.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk