All publications - existential risk

Damage assessment of extreme weather events under climate change


Chen B., Liang R. (2019) Damage assessment of extreme weather events under climate change, in Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice 39, 557-568.

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Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024


Rodrigues R., Carr E.R., Gruber N., Mukherji A., Broadgate W., Rammig A., Van Der Geest K., Schipper E.L.F., Kumarasinghe N., Achakulwisut P., Selomane O., Bastos A., Werners S.E., Yin J., Sioen G.B., Shin Y.J., Mallick B., Pereira L.M., Zickfeld K., Aggarwal A., Lwasa S., Thompson V., Okereke C., Rockström J., Hauck J., Geden O., Ouedraogo N.S., Cleugh H.A., Redman A., Ospina D., Pelling M., Patra P.K., Reveco C., Jamero M.L.P., Semieniuk G., Ebi K.L., Muttitt G., Singh V., Huq S., Farbotko C., Wübbelmann T., Obura D., Oliver T., Bustamante M., Sutton R., Sokona Y., Steinert N.J., Persson Å., Zscheischler J., Canadell J.G., Hausfather Z., Chen D., Orlove B., Pongratz J., Mirazo P., Harrington L.J., Huss M., Fernández-Martínez M., Hebinck A., Hebden S., Roy J., Wunderling N., Juhola S., Frölicher T.L., Rounce D.R., Schlosser P., Raymond C., McGreevy S., Suk S., Nemet G.F., Fuss S., Prakash A., Martin M., Thalheimer L., Stammer D., Trencher G., Siddiqui T.A., Edwards C. (2023) Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024, in Global Sustainability [volume not available], [pages not available].

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The Nuclear Origins of the Anthropocene


van Munster R. (2021) The Nuclear Origins of the Anthropocene, in International Relations in the Anthropocene: New Agendas, New Agencies and New Approaches [volume not available], 59-75.

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Informing residents to natural disasters: The case study results from northern evros, Greece


Drosos V., Varlamis N., Tampakis S., Karanikola P. (2015) Informing residents to natural disasters: The case study results from northern evros, Greece, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1498, 107-116.

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Vulnerability analysis of the global liner shipping network: from static structure to cascading failure dynamics


Zuo Y., Xu X., Deng W., Xu M., Zhu Y. (2022) Vulnerability analysis of the global liner shipping network: from static structure to cascading failure dynamics, in Ocean and Coastal Management 229, [pages not available].

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Global risks


Coze J.C.L. (2023) Global risks, in Research Handbook on the Sociology of Globalization [volume not available], 72-82.

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Interplanetary Expansion and the Deep Future


Hermida M. (2021) Interplanetary Expansion and the Deep Future, in The Expanse and Philosophy: So far out into the Darkness [volume not available], 13-24.

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From women's needs to women's rights in disasters


Enarson E., Fordham M. (2001) From women's needs to women's rights in disasters, in Environmental Hazards 3, 133-136.

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Predicting the moral consideration of artificial intelligences


Anthis J.R., Pauketat J.V.T. (2022) Predicting the moral consideration of artificial intelligences, in Computers in Human Behavior 136, [pages not available].

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Rodrigue B.H. (2023) THE BEDROCK OF SURVIVAL: HUMANITY, HISTORY, AND ADAPTATION, in Journal of Globalization Studies 14, 137-169.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk