All publications - existential risk

What do the australian black summer fires signify for the global fire crisis?


Griebel A., Cavanagh V.I., Bedward M., Keith D.A., Nolan R.H., Haynes K., Bradstock R.A., Jenkins M.E., Gibson R.K., Price O.F., Williamson G.J., Tozer M.G., Bowman D.M.J.S., Boer M.M., McIlwee A.P., Collins L., Penman T.D., Ooi M.K.J., Whittaker J., Clarke H., Samson S.A. (2021) What do the australian black summer fires signify for the global fire crisis?, in Fire 4, [pages not available].

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Human survival and the self-destruction paradox: An integrated theoretical model


Walters G.D. (1999) Human survival and the self-destruction paradox: An integrated theoretical model, in Journal of Mind and Behavior 20, 57-78.

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Non-spherical sources of strong gravitational fields out of hydrostatic equilibrium


Herrera L., Di Prisco A., Martínez J. (2001) Non-spherical sources of strong gravitational fields out of hydrostatic equilibrium, in Astrophysics and Space Science 277, 447-459.

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Global Catastrophic Risk and the Drivers of Scientist Attitudes Towards Policy


Nathan C., Hyams K. (2022) Global Catastrophic Risk and the Drivers of Scientist Attitudes Towards Policy, in Science and Engineering Ethics 28, [pages not available].

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Uncommon voices of AI


Gill K.S. (2017) Uncommon voices of AI, in AI and Society 32, 475-482.

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The Social Consequences of the Global Expansion of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Butkaliuk V., Arseienko A. (2023) The Social Consequences of the Global Expansion of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in World Review of Political Economy 14, 443-477.

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The great downside dilemma for risky emerging technologies


Baum S.D. (2014) The great downside dilemma for risky emerging technologies, in Physica Scripta 89, [pages not available].

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From Pandemic to Apocalypse-Nuclear War as Terminal Disease


Beres L.R. (2021) From Pandemic to Apocalypse-Nuclear War as Terminal Disease, in Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2020, 183-200.

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Mathematical Modeling of Distributed Catastrophic and Terrorist Risks1


Haivoronskyy O.O., Ermoliev Y.M., Knopov P.S., Norkin V.I. (2015) Mathematical Modeling of Distributed Catastrophic and Terrorist Risks1, in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 51, 85-95.

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High Risk, Low Reward: A Challenge to the Astronomical Value of Existential Risk Mitigation


Thorstad D. (2023) High Risk, Low Reward: A Challenge to the Astronomical Value of Existential Risk Mitigation, in Philosophy and Public Affairs [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk