All publications - existential risk

Waiting for the day: Globalisation and apocalypticism in Central New Ireland, Papua New Guinea


Eves R. (2000) Waiting for the day: Globalisation and apocalypticism in Central New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, in Oceania 71, 73-91.

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Ecosystem services and Australian agricultural enterprises


Sandhu H.S., Crossman N.D., Smith F.P. (2012) Ecosystem services and Australian agricultural enterprises, in Ecological Economics 74, 19-26.

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Genetic feedback and human population regulation


Hopfenberg R. (2009) Genetic feedback and human population regulation, in Human Ecology 37, 643-651.

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Architectural history in the anthropocene: Towards methodology


Meyer E.d.C. (2016) Architectural history in the anthropocene: Towards methodology, in Journal of Architecture 21, 1203-1225.

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How does war become a legitimate undertaking? Re-engaging the post-structuralist foundation of securitization theory


Wilhelmsen J. (2017) How does war become a legitimate undertaking? Re-engaging the post-structuralist foundation of securitization theory, in Cooperation and Conflict 52, 166-183.

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Hydrogen degassing of the earth: Natural disasters and the biosphere


Syvorotkin V.L. (2011) Hydrogen degassing of the earth: Natural disasters and the biosphere, in Man and the Geosphere [volume not available], 307-347.

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In situ phytoremediation of heavy metal–contaminated soil and groundwater: a green inventive approach


Shikha D., Singh P.K. (2020) In situ phytoremediation of heavy metal–contaminated soil and groundwater: a green inventive approach, in Environmental Science and Pollution Research [volume not available], [pages not available].

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The past, present and future of the ocean engineering activities


Maeda H. (2015) The past, present and future of the ocean engineering activities, in Maritime Technology and Engineering - Proceedings of MARTECH 2014: 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering 1, 3-9.

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Do deep-Time disasters hOld lessons for contemporary understandings of resilience and vulnerability? The case of the laacher see volcanic eruption


Jackson R., Riede F. (2020) Do deep-Time disasters hOld lessons for contemporary understandings of resilience and vulnerability? The case of the laacher see volcanic eruption, in Going Forward by Looking Back: Archaeological Perspectives on Socio-Ecological Crisis, Response, and Collapse [volume not available], 19-53.

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Volcanic Hazards, Risks and Disasters


Papale P. (2014) Volcanic Hazards, Risks and Disasters, in Volcanic Hazards, Risks and Disasters [volume not available], 1-505.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk