All publications - existential risk

Modelling of extreme losses in natural disasters


Pacáková V., Jindrová P. (2016) Modelling of extreme losses in natural disasters, in International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 10, 171-178.

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Assessment of catastrophic risk using bayesian network constructed from domain knowledge and spatial data


Li L., Wang J., Leung H., Jiang C. (2010) Assessment of catastrophic risk using bayesian network constructed from domain knowledge and spatial data, in Risk Analysis 30, 1157-1175.

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The changing character of war: Making strategy in the early twenty-first century


Johnson R. (2017) The changing character of war: Making strategy in the early twenty-first century, in RUSI Journal 162, 6-12.

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Debiased orbital and absolute magnitude distribution of the near-Earth objects


Bottke Jr. W.F., Morbidelli A., Jedicke R., Petit J.-M., Levison H.F., Michel P., Metcalfe T.S. (2002) Debiased orbital and absolute magnitude distribution of the near-Earth objects, in Icarus 156, 399-433.

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The profession of it an interview with Andrew Odlyzko on cyber security


Odlyzko A., Denning P.J. (2019) The profession of it an interview with Andrew Odlyzko on cyber security, in Communications of the ACM 62, 28-30.

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The Visualization Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Research in Recent 10 Years in China


Zhang W., Li L., Liu J. (2020) The Visualization Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Research in Recent 10 Years in China, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 806, [pages not available].

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Climate Change and Collapsing Volcanoes: Evidence from Mount Etna, Sicily


Deeming K., McGuire B., Harrop P. (2012) Climate Change and Collapsing Volcanoes: Evidence from Mount Etna, Sicily, in Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards [volume not available], 56-77.

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Impending doom: Antibiotic exposure and bacterial gene expression


Palzkill T. (2001) Impending doom: Antibiotic exposure and bacterial gene expression, in Genome Research 11, 1-2.

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Calculating catastrophe


Woo G. (2011) Calculating catastrophe, in Calculating Catastrophe [volume not available], 1-356.

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Homo reductio: Eco-nihilism and human colonization of other worlds


Smith K.C. (2019) Homo reductio: Eco-nihilism and human colonization of other worlds, in Futures [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk