All publications - existential risk

Impending doom: Antibiotic exposure and bacterial gene expression


Palzkill T. (2001) Impending doom: Antibiotic exposure and bacterial gene expression, in Genome Research 11, 1-2.

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Calculating catastrophe


Woo G. (2011) Calculating catastrophe, in Calculating Catastrophe [volume not available], 1-356.

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Postapocalypse stratigraphy: some considerations and proposals.


Prosh E.C., McCracken A.D. (1985) Postapocalypse stratigraphy: some considerations and proposals., in Geology 13, 4-5.

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Risk-management and resilience: Assessing and addressing the “perfect storm” of climate change impacts migration, displacement and conflicts


DeWit A. (2019) Risk-management and resilience: Assessing and addressing the “perfect storm” of climate change impacts migration, displacement and conflicts, in Qualitative and Quantitative Economics (Q2E): Making Economics into a Science [volume not available], 203-240.

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The past, present and future of the ocean engineering activities


Maeda H. (2015) The past, present and future of the ocean engineering activities, in Maritime Technology and Engineering - Proceedings of MARTECH 2014: 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering 1, 3-9.

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Smart grid construction based on perspective of the development of servicing clean energy


Nie J. (2013) Smart grid construction based on perspective of the development of servicing clean energy, in Advanced Materials Research 772, 600-603.

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Low-impact land development: The practice of preserving natural processes


Alfred Vick R., Tufts M. (2006) Low-impact land development: The practice of preserving natural processes, in Journal of Green Building 1, 28-38.

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Beyond the lifetime of organizations: A framework for multi-generational goal survival in the ecology of goals


Kurtz S.A. (2021) Beyond the lifetime of organizations: A framework for multi-generational goal survival in the ecology of goals, in Futures 127, [pages not available].

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The year of the cat: Taxing nuclear risk with the help of capital markets


Eberl J., Jus D. (2012) The year of the cat: Taxing nuclear risk with the help of capital markets, in Energy Policy 51, 364-373.

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Implications of Fuzziness for the practical management of High-stakes risks


Jablonowski M. (2010) Implications of Fuzziness for the practical management of High-stakes risks, in International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 3.0, 1-7.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk