All publications - existential risk

The warming of the earth: Perspectives and solutions in the third world


Woodwell G.M., Ramakrishna K. (1989) The warming of the earth: Perspectives and solutions in the third world, in Environmental Conservation 16, 289-291.

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A cyberinfrastructure for community resilience assessment and visualization


Cai H., Lam N.S.N., Qiang Y., Li K., Zou L. (2015) A cyberinfrastructure for community resilience assessment and visualization, in Cartography and Geographic Information Science 42, S34-S39.

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Big Historical Foundations for Deep Future Speculations: Cosmic Evolution, Atechnogenesis, and Technocultural Civilization


Last C. (2017) Big Historical Foundations for Deep Future Speculations: Cosmic Evolution, Atechnogenesis, and Technocultural Civilization, in Foundations of Science 22, 39-124.

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Should and could humans go to Mars? Yes, but not now and not in the near future


Szocik K. (2018) Should and could humans go to Mars? Yes, but not now and not in the near future, in Futures [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Decision support for containing pandemic propagation


Arora H., Raghu T.S., Vinze A. (2011) Decision support for containing pandemic propagation, in ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2, [pages not available].

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Gravitational collapse of Mount Etna's southeastern flank


Guglielmino F., Petersen F., Krastel S., Bonforte A., Urlaub M., Lange D., Puglisi G., Gross F., Kopp H. (2018) Gravitational collapse of Mount Etna's southeastern flank, in Science Advances 4, [pages not available].

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Chance as a value for artificial intelligence


Grinbaum A. (2018) Chance as a value for artificial intelligence, in Journal of Responsible Innovation 5, 353-360.

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Generativity and social value orientation between rural and urban societies in a developing country


Kamijo Y., Kotani K., Timilsina R.R. (2018) Generativity and social value orientation between rural and urban societies in a developing country, in Futures [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Proposed requirement definition method for developing global disaster database based on various means of data collection


Ono Y., Tanaka H., Sasaki D. (2018) Proposed requirement definition method for developing global disaster database based on various means of data collection, in Journal of Disaster Research 13, 1015-1023.

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Radarsat-1 contribution to global disaster management


Mahmood A., Parashar S., Mamen R. (2003) Radarsat-1 contribution to global disaster management, in 54th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the International Academy of Astronautics and the International Institute of Space Law 1, 1175-1181.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk