All publications - existential risk

Chance as a value for artificial intelligence


Grinbaum A. (2018) Chance as a value for artificial intelligence, in Journal of Responsible Innovation 5, 353-360.

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Do we need to be productive during a global pandemic-COVID 19?


Putra H.D. (2020) Do we need to be productive during a global pandemic-COVID 19?, in International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, 9555-9557.

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Radarsat-1 contribution to global disaster management


Mahmood A., Parashar S., Mamen R. (2003) Radarsat-1 contribution to global disaster management, in 54th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the International Academy of Astronautics and the International Institute of Space Law 1, 1175-1181.

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The American securitization of China and Russia: U.S. geopolitical culture and declining unipolarity


Ambrosio T., Heopfner P., Schram C. (2019) The American securitization of China and Russia: U.S. geopolitical culture and declining unipolarity, in Eurasian Geography and Economics [volume not available], [pages not available].

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The Visualization Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Research in Recent 10 Years in China


Zhang W., Li L., Liu J. (2020) The Visualization Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Research in Recent 10 Years in China, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 806, [pages not available].

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Saúde e sustentabilidade


da Veiga J.E. (2020) Saúde e sustentabilidade, in Estudos Avancados 34, 303-310.

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The ultimate political question? Realism and omnicide


Freyberg-Inan A., Bouttell M. (2024) The ultimate political question? Realism and omnicide, in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Clustered networks protect cooperation against catastrophic collapse


Spencer G. (2018) Clustered networks protect cooperation against catastrophic collapse, in Network Science 6, 281-318.

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Surface water bodies mapping in Zimbabwe using landsat 8 OLI multispectral imagery: A comparison of multiple water indices


Dube T., Masocha M., Shekede M.D., Funani J., Makore M. (2018) Surface water bodies mapping in Zimbabwe using landsat 8 OLI multispectral imagery: A comparison of multiple water indices, in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Research on disaster early warning and disaster relief integrated service system based on block data theory


Tang D., Zhang H., Yang J., Wang C. (2018) Research on disaster early warning and disaster relief integrated service system based on block data theory, in International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 42, 2079-2082.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk