All publications - existential risk
On Searle and the collapse of civilization
González-Fernández R. (2020) On Searle and the collapse of civilization, in Cinta de Moebio [volume not available], 255-266.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIRisk technologies and contemporary social challenges: Geo-engineering in risk society [Rizične tehnologije i suvremeni društveni izazovi: Geoinženjering u društvu rizika]
Pustovrh T., Lukšič A.A. (2012) Risk technologies and contemporary social challenges: Geo-engineering in risk society [Rizične tehnologije i suvremeni društveni izazovi: Geoinženjering u društvu rizika], in Socijalna Ekologija 21, 5-30.
Search for the full text: GoogleLong-term trajectories of human civilization
Miller J.D., Torres P., Armstrong S., Kuhlemann K., Sotala K., Ekenstedt T., Yampolskiy R.V., Hanson R., Maas M.M., Baum S.D., Turchin A., Häggström O., Sandberg A., Salmela M. (2019) Long-term trajectories of human civilization, in Foresight [volume not available], [pages not available].
Search for the full text: Google | DOIReconciliation of nations for the survival of humankind
Moltmann J. (2019) Reconciliation of nations for the survival of humankind, in Korea Observer 50, 261-268.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIPurposeful systems -Truly integrating systems of humans & machines
Lee G., Etschmaier M.M. (2017) Purposeful systems -Truly integrating systems of humans & machines, in Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, CATA 2017 [volume not available], 155-160.
Search for the full text: GoogleClimate change, catastrophes and Dismal Theorem: a critical review
Rampa A. (2020) Climate change, catastrophes and Dismal Theorem: a critical review, in Review of Regional Research [volume not available], [pages not available].
Search for the full text: Google | DOIAlien attacks, hell gerbils, and assisted dying: Arguments against saving mere humanity
Potthast A. (2019) Alien attacks, hell gerbils, and assisted dying: Arguments against saving mere humanity, in Futures [volume not available], [pages not available].
Search for the full text: Google | DOICollective Action to Avoid Catastrophe: When Countries Succeed, When They Fail, and Why
Barrett S. (2016) Collective Action to Avoid Catastrophe: When Countries Succeed, When They Fail, and Why, in Global Policy 7, 45-55.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIEvaluating methods for estimating existential risks
Tonn B., Stiefel D. (2013) Evaluating methods for estimating existential risks, in Risk Analysis 33, 1772-1787.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIThe doom loop in the financial sector: And other black holes of risk
Leiss W. (2010) The doom loop in the financial sector: And other black holes of risk, in The Doom Loop in the Financial Sector: And Other Black Holes of Risk [volume not available], 1-169.
Search for the full text: GoogleManually-curated Bibliography
Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.
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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography