All publications - existential risk

Endangered aquifers: Groundwater management under threats of catastrophic events


Tsur Y., Zemel A. (2004) Endangered aquifers: Groundwater management under threats of catastrophic events, in Water Resources Research 40, W06S201-W06S2010.

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Insights into Flood-Coping Appraisals of Protection Motivation Theory: Empirical Evidence from Germany and France


Laudan J., Aerts J.C.J.H., Thieken A.H., Wouter Botzen W.J., Bubeck P. (2018) Insights into Flood-Coping Appraisals of Protection Motivation Theory: Empirical Evidence from Germany and France, in Risk Analysis 38, 1239-1257.

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Garlin Gilchrist: Fighting fake news and the information apocalypse


Stover D. (2018) Garlin Gilchrist: Fighting fake news and the information apocalypse, in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 74, 283-288.

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From weapons to wirebonds: How global security drives innovation, supply and demand


Goetz M.P. (2018) From weapons to wirebonds: How global security drives innovation, supply and demand, in 2018 Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium, Pan Pacific 2018 2018-January, 1-6.

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Profiteering from Disaster: Why Planners Need to be Paying More Attention to Insurance


Booth K. (2018) Profiteering from Disaster: Why Planners Need to be Paying More Attention to Insurance, in Planning Practice and Research 33, 211-227.

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Exploring the spaceship earth: A circular economy for products


Maitre-Ekern E. (2018) Exploring the spaceship earth: A circular economy for products, in Preventing Environmental Damage from Products: An Analysis of the Policy and Regulatory Framework in Europe [volume not available], 23-56.

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The role of small ruminants on global climate change


Poli C.H.E.C., Villalba J.J., Monteiro A.L.G., Faro A.M.C.d.F., Batista R., Peres M.T.P. (2018) The role of small ruminants on global climate change, in Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences 40, [pages not available].

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One thirsty world - Analysis of the water resources


Zhang J., Wang Y., Cheng Q. (2018) One thirsty world - Analysis of the water resources, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 170, [pages not available].

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Worldwide emergence of resistance to antifungal drugs challenges human health and food security


Sanglard D., Hawkins N.J., Gurr S.J., Fisher M.C. (2018) Worldwide emergence of resistance to antifungal drugs challenges human health and food security, in Science (New York, N.Y.) 360, 739-742.

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Rebirth, Devastation and Sickness: Analyzing the Role of Metaphor in Media Discourses of Nuclear Power


Cotton M., Napolitano G., Renzi B.G., Barkemeyer R. (2017) Rebirth, Devastation and Sickness: Analyzing the Role of Metaphor in Media Discourses of Nuclear Power, in Environmental Communication 11, 624-640.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk