All publications - existential risk

One thirsty world - Analysis of the water resources


Zhang J., Wang Y., Cheng Q. (2018) One thirsty world - Analysis of the water resources, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 170, [pages not available].

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Rebirth, Devastation and Sickness: Analyzing the Role of Metaphor in Media Discourses of Nuclear Power


Cotton M., Napolitano G., Renzi B.G., Barkemeyer R. (2017) Rebirth, Devastation and Sickness: Analyzing the Role of Metaphor in Media Discourses of Nuclear Power, in Environmental Communication 11, 624-640.

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The importance of continents, oceans and plate tectonics for the evolution of complex life: implications for finding extraterrestrial civilizations


Gerya T.V., Stern R.J. (2024) The importance of continents, oceans and plate tectonics for the evolution of complex life: implications for finding extraterrestrial civilizations, in Scientific Reports 14, [pages not available].

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International conference 'Space protection of the Earth 2000'


Zelyk Ya.U. (2000) International conference 'Space protection of the Earth 2000', in Problemy Upravleniya I Informatiki (Avtomatika) [volume not available], 150-152.

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A study on the use of quantum computers, risk assessment and security problems


Sagiroglu S., Ulker M., Akleylek S., Arslan B. (2018) A study on the use of quantum computers, risk assessment and security problems, in 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security, ISDFS 2018 - Proceeding 2018-January, 1-6.

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The energy security paradox: Rethinking energy (in)security in the United States and China


Nyman J. (2018) The energy security paradox: Rethinking energy (in)security in the United States and China, in The Energy Security Paradox: Rethinking Energy (In)security in the United States and China [volume not available], 1-177.

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Perception of Environmental Threat in the Shadow of War: The Effect of Future Orientation


Carmi N., Bartal E. (2014) Perception of Environmental Threat in the Shadow of War: The Effect of Future Orientation, in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 20, 872-886.

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The profession of it an interview with Andrew Odlyzko on cyber security


Odlyzko A., Denning P.J. (2019) The profession of it an interview with Andrew Odlyzko on cyber security, in Communications of the ACM 62, 28-30.

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The covid-19 pandemic during the time of the diabetes pandemic: Likely fraternal twins?


Rodriguez‐Ayala E., Laviada‐Molina H.A., Cole S.A., Serres‐Perales J.M., Bastarrachea R.A. (2020) The covid-19 pandemic during the time of the diabetes pandemic: Likely fraternal twins?, in Pathogens 9, [pages not available].

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From responsible robotics towards a human rights regime oriented to the challenges of robotics and artificial intelligence


Zawieska K., Liu H.Y. (2020) From responsible robotics towards a human rights regime oriented to the challenges of robotics and artificial intelligence, in Ethics and Information Technology 22, 321-333.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk