All publications - existential risk

Coalitions and catastrophic climate change


Schofield N. (2013) Coalitions and catastrophic climate change, in Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After [volume not available], 725-762.

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Rational universal benevolence: Simpler, safer, and wiser than "friendly AI"


Waser M. (2011) Rational universal benevolence: Simpler, safer, and wiser than "friendly AI", in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 6830 LNAI, 153-162.

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Existential Security: Towards a Security Framework for the Survival of Humanity


Sears N.A. (2020) Existential Security: Towards a Security Framework for the Survival of Humanity, in Global Policy 11, 255-266.

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Avoiding global collapse


Ritter S.K. (2007) Avoiding global collapse, in Chemical and Engineering News 85, [pages not available].

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Megascale processes: Natural disasters and human behavior


Kieffer S.W., Barton P., Chesworth W., Palmer A.R., Reitan P., Zen E.-A. (2009) Megascale processes: Natural disasters and human behavior, in Special Paper of the Geological Society of America 453, 77-86.

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On Searle and the collapse of civilization


González-Fernández R. (2020) On Searle and the collapse of civilization, in Cinta de Moebio [volume not available], 255-266.

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Artificial superintelligence and its limits: why AlphaZero cannot become a general agent


Jebari K., Lundborg J. (2020) Artificial superintelligence and its limits: why AlphaZero cannot become a general agent, in AI and Society [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Testing for causal relationships between large pyroclastic volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions


Erwin D.H., Vogel T.A. (1992) Testing for causal relationships between large pyroclastic volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions, in Geophysical Research Letters 19, 893-896.

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Potential of microbial protein from hydrogen for preventing mass starvation in catastrophic scenarios


Throup J., Egbejimba J., Pearce J.M., García Martínez J.B., Matassa S., Denkenberger D.C. (2021) Potential of microbial protein from hydrogen for preventing mass starvation in catastrophic scenarios, in Sustainable Production and Consumption 25, 234-247.

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Existential Risk, Astronomical Waste, and the Reasonableness of a Pure Time Preference for Well-Being


Kaczmarek P., Beard S.J. (2024) Existential Risk, Astronomical Waste, and the Reasonableness of a Pure Time Preference for Well-Being, in Monist 107, 157-175.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk