All publications - existential risk

Decision making under catastrophic risk and learning: The case of the possible collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet


Guillerminet M.-L., Tol R.S.J. (2008) Decision making under catastrophic risk and learning: The case of the possible collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, in Climatic Change 91, 193-209.

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Avoiding extinction: The future of economics


Chichilnisky G. (2009) Avoiding extinction: The future of economics, in International Journal of Green Economics 3, 1-18.

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On the idea of obligation to future generations


Chakraborty N.N. (2010) On the idea of obligation to future generations, in Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and Contextual Applications [volume not available], 247-252.

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Moral Status of Digital Agents: Acting Under Uncertainty


Mishra A. (2018) Moral Status of Digital Agents: Acting Under Uncertainty, in Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics 44, 273-287.

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Artificial superintelligence and its limits: why AlphaZero cannot become a general agent


Jebari K., Lundborg J. (2020) Artificial superintelligence and its limits: why AlphaZero cannot become a general agent, in AI and Society [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Deluge II and the continent of doom: rising sea level and collapsing Antarctic ice


HUGHES T.J. (1987) Deluge II and the continent of doom: rising sea level and collapsing Antarctic ice, in Boreas 16, 89-100.

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A unified theory of impact crises and mass extinctions: Quantitative tests


Rampino M.R., Haggerty B.M., Pagano T.C. (1997) A unified theory of impact crises and mass extinctions: Quantitative tests, in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 822, 403-431.

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Managing the risks of artificial general intelligence: A human factors and ergonomics perspective


Stanton N.A., Cummings M., Burns C., Cooke N., Read G.J.M., Hancock P., Carden T., Baber C., Salmon P.M., McLean S. (2023) Managing the risks of artificial general intelligence: A human factors and ergonomics perspective, in Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Tradeoffs between costly capacity investment and risk of regime shift


Nkuiya B. (2020) Tradeoffs between costly capacity investment and risk of regime shift, in Economic Modelling 91, 117-127.

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Artificial Intelligence, Discretion, and Bureaucracy


Bullock J.B. (2019) Artificial Intelligence, Discretion, and Bureaucracy, in American Review of Public Administration [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk