All publications - existential risk

Quantitative framework for multi-hazard risk assesssment of electric and water utility systems


Harris S.P., Hartford D.N.D., Millard J. (2006) Quantitative framework for multi-hazard risk assesssment of electric and water utility systems, in 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2006 5, 3058-3067.

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On the nature of population extremes


Ariño A., Pimm S.L. (1995) On the nature of population extremes, in Evolutionary Ecology 9, 429-443.

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Volcanic geomorphology-an overview


Thouret J.-C. (1999) Volcanic geomorphology-an overview, in Earth Science Reviews 47, 95-131.

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Recent grazing impacts on the Earth recorded in the Rio Cuarto crater field, Argentina


Schultz P.H., Lianza R.E. (1992) Recent grazing impacts on the Earth recorded in the Rio Cuarto crater field, Argentina, in Nature 355, 234-237.

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Breeding failure of seabirds in relation to fish depletion: Is there one universal threshold of food abundance?


Rail J.F., Bolduc F., Grégoire F., Guillemette M., Caron A., Bouillet D., Pelletier D. (2018) Breeding failure of seabirds in relation to fish depletion: Is there one universal threshold of food abundance?, in Marine Ecology Progress Series 587, 235-245.

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A meteorite from the cretaceous/tertiary boundary


Kyte F.T. (1998) A meteorite from the cretaceous/tertiary boundary, in Nature 396, 237-239.

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The permanent revolution (thinking about the Russian Revolution)


Caprio S. (2018) The permanent revolution (thinking about the Russian Revolution), in Modern History of Russia 8, 8-28.

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Challenges to Decentralization of Disaster Management in Turkey: The Role of Political-Administrative Context


Hermansson H. (2018) Challenges to Decentralization of Disaster Management in Turkey: The Role of Political-Administrative Context, in International Journal of Public Administration [volume not available], 1-15.

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Hypervelocity impact fragmentation of basalt and shale projectiles


Burchell M.J., Price M.C., Wickham-Eade J.E., Harriss K.H. (2018) Hypervelocity impact fragmentation of basalt and shale projectiles, in Icarus 311, 52-68.

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Existential threats and regulating life: securitization in the contemporary Middle East


Mabon S. (2018) Existential threats and regulating life: securitization in the contemporary Middle East, in Global Discourse 8, 42-58.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk