All publications - existential risk

Life after the asteroid apocalypse Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid wiped out a huge swath of life on planet Earth. Could similar impacts have helped kick-start life itself?


Mann A. (2018) Life after the asteroid apocalypse Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid wiped out a huge swath of life on planet Earth. Could similar impacts have helped kick-start life itself?, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, 5820-5823.

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Post-COVID-19 and Business Analytics


Nandy M., Lodh S. (2020) Post-COVID-19 and Business Analytics, in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology [volume not available], 83-91.

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Dark fantasy: Regressive movements and the search for meaning in politics


Levine D.P. (2018) Dark fantasy: Regressive movements and the search for meaning in politics, in Dark Fantasy: Regressive Movements and the Search for Meaning in Politics [volume not available], 1-110.

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Self-insurance of investor under repeating catastrophic risks


Norkin V.I. (2007) Self-insurance of investor under repeating catastrophic risks, in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 43, 377-383.

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The apocalypse of a wired brain


Žižek S. (2019) The apocalypse of a wired brain, in Problemi 57, 5-29.

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Acquisition and extinction of problem-solving set


Gardner R.A., Runquist W.N. (1958) Acquisition and extinction of problem-solving set, in Journal of Experimental Psychology 55, 274-277.

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Economic Assessment of Mitigating Damage of Flood Events: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Flood-Proofing Commercial Buildings in Umbria, Italy


Monteiro É., Botzen W.J.W., Pesaro G., Menoni S., Estrada F. (2017) Economic Assessment of Mitigating Damage of Flood Events: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Flood-Proofing Commercial Buildings in Umbria, Italy, in Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice 42, 585-608.

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Communication and media network: An analysis from human security perspectives


Mat B., Othman Z. (2018) Communication and media network: An analysis from human security perspectives, in Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication 34, 21-39.

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Organic carbon isotopic record across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in Austria and its bearing on the cause of the mass extinction


Morante R., Hallam A. (1996) Organic carbon isotopic record across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in Austria and its bearing on the cause of the mass extinction, in Geology 24, 391-394.

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To humbly go: Guarding against perpetuating models of colonization in the 100-year starship study


Kramer W.R. (2014) To humbly go: Guarding against perpetuating models of colonization in the 100-year starship study, in JBIS - Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 67, 180-186.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk