All publications - existential risk

Recovery planning for endangered species act-listed Pacific salmon: Using science to inform goals and strategies


Good T.P., Beechie T.J., McElhany P., McClure M.M., Ruckelshaus M.H. (2007) Recovery planning for endangered species act-listed Pacific salmon: Using science to inform goals and strategies, in Fisheries 32, 426-440.

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Understanding the emerging coronavirus: what it means for health security and infection prevention


Peters A., Guitart C., Vetter P., Pittet D., Lotfinejad N. (2020) Understanding the emerging coronavirus: what it means for health security and infection prevention, in Journal of Hospital Infection 104, 440-448.

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‘Minoritisation’ of the other: the Iranian theo-ethnocratic state’s assimilatory strategies


Mohammadpour A., Soleimani K. (2020) ‘Minoritisation’ of the other: the Iranian theo-ethnocratic state’s assimilatory strategies, in Postcolonial Studies [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Historical memory and securitisation of the Russian intervention in Syria


Makhortykh M. (2020) Historical memory and securitisation of the Russian intervention in Syria, in International Politics [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Carbon dioxide increase may promote 'insect apocalypse'


Pennisi E. (2020) Carbon dioxide increase may promote 'insect apocalypse', in Science (New York, N.Y.) 368, 459.

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Beyond near- and long-term: Towards a clearer account of research priorities in AI ethics and society


Prunkl C., Whittlestone J. (2020) Beyond near- and long-term: Towards a clearer account of research priorities in AI ethics and society, in AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society [volume not available], 138-143.

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Coopetitive games for environmental sustainability: Climate change and decision global policies


Squillante M., Fredella M.I., Donato A., Carfí D. (2020) Coopetitive games for environmental sustainability: Climate change and decision global policies, in Socio-Economic Planning Sciences [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Transhuman, posthuman and complex humanness in the 21st century


Battle-Fisher M. (2020) Transhuman, posthuman and complex humanness in the 21st century, in Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 13, [pages not available].

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Survival-oriented personality factors are associated with various types of social support in an emergency disaster situation


Honda A., Sato S., Abe T., Imamura F., Nouchi R., Sugiura M. (2020) Survival-oriented personality factors are associated with various types of social support in an emergency disaster situation, in PloS one 15, e0228875.

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Covid-19 disease will cause a global catastrophe in terms of mental health: A hypothesis


Izaguirre-Torres D., Siche R. (2020) Covid-19 disease will cause a global catastrophe in terms of mental health: A hypothesis, in Medical Hypotheses 143, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk