All publications - existential risk

Vulnerability and Violence: On the Poverty of the Remainder (or Beyond Kant)


Lawlor L. (2018) Vulnerability and Violence: On the Poverty of the Remainder (or Beyond Kant), in Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology [volume not available], 1-12.

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Point: The Existential Threat to Nuclear Medicine


Graham M.M., Jadvar H., Delbeke D. (2018) Point: The Existential Threat to Nuclear Medicine, in Journal of the American College of Radiology 15, 489.

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Millennium, Apocalypse, and American Popular Culture


Cowan D.E. (2011) Millennium, Apocalypse, and American Popular Culture, in The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Earth beyond repair: Race and apocalypse in collective imagination


Smith S., Vasudevan P., Gergan M. (2018) Earth beyond repair: Race and apocalypse in collective imagination, in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Stories from the end of the world: in search of plots for a failing system


Kociatkiewicz J., Kostera M. (2019) Stories from the end of the world: in search of plots for a failing system, in Journal of Organizational Change Management [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Time, learning, and change in the crisis [Tempo, apprendimento e cambiamento nella crisi]


Lanzalaco L. (2012) Time, learning, and change in the crisis [Tempo, apprendimento e cambiamento nella crisi], in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 53, 91-112.

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Educational applications of humanistic psychology


Romig D., Cleland C.C. (1972) Educational applications of humanistic psychology, in Journal of School Psychology 10, 289-298.

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Defence methods and suggestion for a single-layer kiewitt-8 reticulated dome under impact loads


Wang D.-Z., Fan F., Zhi X.-D., Dai J.-W. (2012) Defence methods and suggestion for a single-layer kiewitt-8 reticulated dome under impact loads, in Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock 31, 136-142.

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Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm–II-Induced Neural-Supported Prediction of Water Quality with Stability Analysis


Dey N., Chatterjee S., Sarkar S., Sen S. (2018) Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm–II-Induced Neural-Supported Prediction of Water Quality with Stability Analysis, in Journal of Information and Knowledge Management [volume not available], [pages not available].

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The Philippine Parliamentarians Conference on Human Survival, Population and Development. Summary.


[authors not available] (1988) The Philippine Parliamentarians Conference on Human Survival, Population and Development. Summary., in Integration (Tokyo, Japan) [volume not available], 64-68.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk