All publications - existential risk

Man's role in managing the global environment


Talbot L.M. (1989) Man's role in managing the global environment, in Changing the global environment [volume not available], 17-33.

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The ecological crisis, capitalist economy and techno-optimism


Olivier B. (2018) The ecological crisis, capitalist economy and techno-optimism, in Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 58, 464-482.

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Postcatastrophic utopias


Dorrian M., Beck J. (2014) Postcatastrophic utopias, in Cultural Politics 10, 132-150.

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The Black Hole Challenge: Precaution, Existential Risks and the Problem of Knowledge Gaps


Munthe C. (2019) The Black Hole Challenge: Precaution, Existential Risks and the Problem of Knowledge Gaps, in Ethics, Policy and Environment [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Worlding beyond ‘the’ ‘end’ of ‘the world’: white apocalyptic visions and BIPOC futurisms


Mitchell A., Chaudhury A. (2020) Worlding beyond ‘the’ ‘end’ of ‘the world’: white apocalyptic visions and BIPOC futurisms, in International Relations [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Population resilience to catastrophic mortality events during early life stages


Langangen O., Ohlberger J. (2015) Population resilience to catastrophic mortality events during early life stages, in Ecological Applications 25, 1348-1356.

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Apocalypse AI


Shermer M. (2017) Apocalypse AI, in Scientific American 316, 77.

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An upper bound for the background rate of human extinction


Bonsall M.B., Snyder-Beattie A.E., Ord T. (2019) An upper bound for the background rate of human extinction, in Scientific Reports 9, [pages not available].

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Should we be very cautious or extremely cautious on measures that may involve our destruction? - On the finiteness of our expected welfare


Ng Y.-K. (1991) Should we be very cautious or extremely cautious on measures that may involve our destruction? - On the finiteness of our expected welfare, in Social Choice and Welfare 8, 79-88.

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Institutional climate change adaptation efforts among the Sherpas of the Mount Everest region, Nepal


Sherpa P.Y. (2015) Institutional climate change adaptation efforts among the Sherpas of the Mount Everest region, Nepal, in Research in Economic Anthropology 35, 3-23.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk