All publications - existential risk

Interacting phantom energy


Guo Z.-K., Zhang Y.-Z. (2005) Interacting phantom energy, in Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 71, 023501-1-023501-5.

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First, Do Nothing: A Passive Protocol for First Contact


Traphagan J.W., Smith K.C. (2020) First, Do Nothing: A Passive Protocol for First Contact, in Space Policy 54, [pages not available].

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Human survival - Radiation exposure levels


Martin J.H. (1983) Human survival - Radiation exposure levels, in Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection 3, 15-23.

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Would contact with extraterrestrials benefit or harm humanity? A scenario analysis


Baum S.D., Haqq-Misra J.D., Domagal-Goldman S.D. (2011) Would contact with extraterrestrials benefit or harm humanity? A scenario analysis, in Acta Astronautica 68, 2114-2129.

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Gaia bites back: Accelerated warming


Jones C.B. (2009) Gaia bites back: Accelerated warming, in Futures 41, 723-730.

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Comments on the sociobiology of ethics and moralizing


Campbell D.T. (1979) Comments on the sociobiology of ethics and moralizing, in Behavioral Science 24, 37-45.

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Changing prosocial values following an existential threat as a function of political orientation: Understanding the effects of armed conflicts from a terror management perspective


Sverdlik N., Naveh-Kedem Y. (2019) Changing prosocial values following an existential threat as a function of political orientation: Understanding the effects of armed conflicts from a terror management perspective, in Personality and Individual Differences 150, [pages not available].

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Human and organizational error in large scale systems


Grabowski M., Roberts K.H. (1996) Human and organizational error in large scale systems, in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans. 26, 2-16.

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The world destruction argument


Knutsson S. (2019) The world destruction argument, in Inquiry (United Kingdom) [volume not available], [pages not available].

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On the survival of humanity


Frick J. (2017) On the survival of humanity, in Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47, 344-367.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk