All publications - existential risk

Snowbird II: Global catastrophes: Comment: Meteorite impact, mass extinction and Deccan volcanism


Hooper P.R. (1989) Snowbird II: Global catastrophes: Comment: Meteorite impact, mass extinction and Deccan volcanism, in Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 70, 764-764.

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Divinising technology and violence: Technopoly, the warfare state, and the revolution in military affairs


Rose P. (2012) Divinising technology and violence: Technopoly, the warfare state, and the revolution in military affairs, in Journal of Contemporary Religion 27, 365-381.

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Ice-cores, sediments and civilisation collapse: A cautionary tale from Lake Titicaca


Calaway M.J. (2005) Ice-cores, sediments and civilisation collapse: A cautionary tale from Lake Titicaca, in Antiquity 79, 778-790.

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Preparing for extraterrestrial contact


Neal M. (2014) Preparing for extraterrestrial contact, in Risk Management 16, 63-87.

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Editorial: Global collapse and cultural possibility


Ferrell J., Greer C. (2009) Editorial: Global collapse and cultural possibility, in Crime, Media, Culture 5, 5-7.

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Living environment of ecological landscape design


Liu D. (2012) Living environment of ecological landscape design, in World Automation Congress Proceedings [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Comments on the sociobiology of ethics and moralizing


Campbell D.T. (1979) Comments on the sociobiology of ethics and moralizing, in Behavioral Science 24, 37-45.

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Correlation, simulation and uncertainty in catastrophe modeling


Lohmann D., Yue F. (2011) Correlation, simulation and uncertainty in catastrophe modeling, in Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference [volume not available], 133-145.

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Clarifying the language of lethal autonomy in military robots


Welsh S. (2017) Clarifying the language of lethal autonomy in military robots, in Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering 84, 171-183.

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Iucn red list of ecosystems: A new tool for biodiversity conservation


Fang Y., Mu S.J., Jiang J.L., Zhou K.X., Zhu C. (2015) Iucn red list of ecosystems: A new tool for biodiversity conservation, in Shengtai Xuebao/ Acta Ecologica Sinica 35, 2826-2836.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk