All publications - existential risk
Analysis on the restriction of oil use to environmental protection
Li J., Sun P. (2020) Analysis on the restriction of oil use to environmental protection, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 558, [pages not available].
Search for the full text: Google | DOIIce-cores, sediments and civilisation collapse: A cautionary tale from Lake Titicaca
Calaway M.J. (2005) Ice-cores, sediments and civilisation collapse: A cautionary tale from Lake Titicaca, in Antiquity 79, 778-790.
Search for the full text: GoogleWorlding beyond ‘the’ ‘end’ of ‘the world’: white apocalyptic visions and BIPOC futurisms
Mitchell A., Chaudhury A. (2020) Worlding beyond ‘the’ ‘end’ of ‘the world’: white apocalyptic visions and BIPOC futurisms, in International Relations [volume not available], [pages not available].
Search for the full text: Google | DOIThe doomsday argument and the number of possible observers
Olum K.D. (2002) The doomsday argument and the number of possible observers, in Philosophical Quarterly 52, 164-184.
Search for the full text: GoogleClarifying the language of lethal autonomy in military robots
Welsh S. (2017) Clarifying the language of lethal autonomy in military robots, in Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering 84, 171-183.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIPreparing for extraterrestrial contact
Neal M. (2014) Preparing for extraterrestrial contact, in Risk Management 16, 63-87.
Search for the full text: Google | DOINew wheats and social progress
Reitz L.P. (1970) New wheats and social progress, in Science 169, 952-955.
Search for the full text: GoogleComments on the sociobiology of ethics and moralizing
Campbell D.T. (1979) Comments on the sociobiology of ethics and moralizing, in Behavioral Science 24, 37-45.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIExtraterrestrial impacts, volcanism, ozone depletion, and mass extinctions
Savage E.L. (2006) Extraterrestrial impacts, volcanism, ozone depletion, and mass extinctions, in Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences 28, 133-168.
Search for the full text: GoogleThe effect of learning on climate policy under fat-tailed risk
Hwang I.C., Tol R.S.J., Reynès F. (2017) The effect of learning on climate policy under fat-tailed risk, in Resource and Energy Economics 48, 1-18.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIManually-curated Bibliography
Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.
ML Bibliography
Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography