All publications - existential risk

Launch of the international disaster monitoring constellation; The development of a novel international partnership in space


Stephens P., Cooksley J., Da Silva Curiel A., Boland L., Jason S., Northham J., Brewer A., Anzalchi J., Newell H., Underwood C., Machin S., Sun W., Sweeting M. (2003) Launch of the international disaster monitoring constellation; The development of a novel international partnership in space, in RAST 2003 - Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies [volume not available], 525-535.

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How not to criticize the precautionary principle


Hughes J. (2006) How not to criticize the precautionary principle, in Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31, 447-464.

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Changing prosocial values following an existential threat as a function of political orientation: Understanding the effects of armed conflicts from a terror management perspective


Sverdlik N., Naveh-Kedem Y. (2019) Changing prosocial values following an existential threat as a function of political orientation: Understanding the effects of armed conflicts from a terror management perspective, in Personality and Individual Differences 150, [pages not available].

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Population Health as a Fundamental Criterion of Social Ecology


Young F.W. (2013) Population Health as a Fundamental Criterion of Social Ecology, in Social Indicators Research 114, 229-241.

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Divinising technology and violence: Technopoly, the warfare state, and the revolution in military affairs


Rose P. (2012) Divinising technology and violence: Technopoly, the warfare state, and the revolution in military affairs, in Journal of Contemporary Religion 27, 365-381.

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The effect of learning on climate policy under fat-tailed risk


Hwang I.C., Tol R.S.J., Reynès F. (2017) The effect of learning on climate policy under fat-tailed risk, in Resource and Energy Economics 48, 1-18.

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Implementing a Seed Safe/Moral Motivational System with the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM)


Kelley D.J., Waser M.R. (2016) Implementing a Seed Safe/Moral Motivational System with the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM), in Procedia Computer Science 88, 125-130.

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Approaches to the global warming problem, which exerts a huge impact on the survival of humanity


Imamura S. (2008) Approaches to the global warming problem, which exerts a huge impact on the survival of humanity, in Japan Medical Association Journal 51, 451-483.

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Is IR going extinct?


Mitchell A. (2017) Is IR going extinct?, in European Journal of International Relations 23, 3-25.

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Clarifying the language of lethal autonomy in military robots


Welsh S. (2017) Clarifying the language of lethal autonomy in military robots, in Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering 84, 171-183.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk