All publications - existential risk

Changing prosocial values following an existential threat as a function of political orientation: Understanding the effects of armed conflicts from a terror management perspective


Sverdlik N., Naveh-Kedem Y. (2019) Changing prosocial values following an existential threat as a function of political orientation: Understanding the effects of armed conflicts from a terror management perspective, in Personality and Individual Differences 150, [pages not available].

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Confronting Apocalyptic Terrorism: Lessons from France and Japan


Saiya N. (2018) Confronting Apocalyptic Terrorism: Lessons from France and Japan, in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Landscapes, fields and soils: Understanding the history of soil fertility management in southern Zimbabwe


Scoones I. (1997) Landscapes, fields and soils: Understanding the history of soil fertility management in southern Zimbabwe, in Journal of Southern African Studies 23, 615-633.

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A Biologic Approach to Environmental Assessment and Epidemiology


Smith T.J., Kriebel D. (2011) A Biologic Approach to Environmental Assessment and Epidemiology, in A Biologic Approach to Environmental Assessment and Epidemiology 9780195141566, 1-448.

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Prediction of heavy metals in acid mine drainage using artificial neural network from the Shur River of the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine, Southeast Iran


Rooki R., Ardejani F.D., Aryafar A., Asadi A.B. (2011) Prediction of heavy metals in acid mine drainage using artificial neural network from the Shur River of the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine, Southeast Iran, in Environmental Earth Sciences 64, 1303-1316.

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Theory of catastrophic diseases of cultivated plants


Bremermann H.J. (1983) Theory of catastrophic diseases of cultivated plants, in Journal of Theoretical Biology 100, 255-274.

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Casting the other as an existential threat: The securitisation of sectarianism in the international relations of the Syria crisis


Fakhoury T., Darwich M. (2016) Casting the other as an existential threat: The securitisation of sectarianism in the international relations of the Syria crisis, in Global Discourse 6, 712-732.

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Cosmological immortality: How to eliminate aging on a universal scale


Vidal C. (2014) Cosmological immortality: How to eliminate aging on a universal scale, in Current Aging Science 7, 3-8.

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Will America create a Cold War with China


Sachs J.D. (2019) Will America create a Cold War with China, in China Economic Journal [volume not available], [pages not available].

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‘AIs are really dumb. They don't even have the intelligence of a 6-month-old’


Revell T. (2019) ‘AIs are really dumb. They don't even have the intelligence of a 6-month-old’, in New Scientist 242, 44-45.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk