All publications - existential risk
Would a super-intelligent AI necessarily be (super-) conscious?
Torrance S. (2011) Would a super-intelligent AI necessarily be (super-) conscious?, in Machine Consciousness 2011: Self, Integration and Explanation - Proceedings of a Symposium at the AISB'11 Convention [volume not available], 67-74.
Search for the full text: GoogleChapter 4: Catastrophe: Impact of comets and asteroids
Rampino M.R. (1995) Chapter 4: Catastrophe: Impact of comets and asteroids, in World Survey of Climatology 16, 95-147.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIGeo-engineering gone awry: A new partial solution of Fermi's paradox
Ćirković M.M., Cathcart R.B. (2004) Geo-engineering gone awry: A new partial solution of Fermi's paradox, in JBIS - Journal British Interplanetary Society 57, 209-215.
Search for the full text: GooglePosthumanism and human extinction: Apocalypse, species, and two posthuman ecologies
Odorčák J., Bakošová P. (2020) Posthumanism and human extinction: Apocalypse, species, and two posthuman ecologies, in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 19, 47-62.
Search for the full text: GooglePlanet doom: Nine scenarios for imminent apocalypse-only one is global warming
Plumer B. (2010) Planet doom: Nine scenarios for imminent apocalypse-only one is global warming, in New Republic 241.0, 23-25.
Search for the full text: GoogleHeading for a world apocalypse?
Collins D.A. (2010) Heading for a world apocalypse?, in Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies 35, 242-254.
Search for the full text: GoogleClimate change impacts on biodiversity-the setting of a lingering global crisis
Rinawati F., Stein K., Lindner A. (2013) Climate change impacts on biodiversity-the setting of a lingering global crisis, in Diversity 5, 114-123.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIEndangering humanity: an international crime?
McKinnon C. (2017) Endangering humanity: an international crime?, in Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47, 395-415.
Search for the full text: Google | DOISustainability of living machines
Halloy J. (2018) Sustainability of living machines, in Living Machines: A Handbook of Research in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems [volume not available], 614-622.
Search for the full text: Google | DOITesting the Doomsday Argument
LESLIE J. (1994) Testing the Doomsday Argument, in Journal of Applied Philosophy 11, 31-44.
Search for the full text: Google | DOIManually-curated Bibliography
Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.
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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography