All publications - existential risk

Anthrax: From Antiquity and Obscurity to a Front-Runner in Bioterrorism


Kyriacou D.N., Adamski A., Khardori N. (2006) Anthrax: From Antiquity and Obscurity to a Front-Runner in Bioterrorism, in Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 20, 227-251.

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The significance of multiple causes and coincidence in the geological record: From clam clusters to Cretaceous catastrophe


Tsujita C.J. (2001) The significance of multiple causes and coincidence in the geological record: From clam clusters to Cretaceous catastrophe, in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 38, 271-292.

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Leakproofing the singularity: Artificial intelligence confinement problem


Yampolskiy R.V. (2012) Leakproofing the singularity: Artificial intelligence confinement problem, in Journal of Consciousness Studies 19, 194-214.

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Doom again


Mellanby K. (1987) Doom again, in Nature 326, [pages not available].

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The politics and policies of relief, aid and reconstruction: Contrasting approaches to disasters and emergencies


Attinà F. (2012) The politics and policies of relief, aid and reconstruction: Contrasting approaches to disasters and emergencies, in The Politics and Policies of Relief, Aid and Reconstruction: Contrasting Approaches to Disasters and Emergencies [volume not available], 1-265.

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The Doomsday Clock still ticks.


Krauss L.M. (2010) The Doomsday Clock still ticks., in Scientific American 302.0, [pages not available].

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Contemplating existential risk


Rossbacher L.A. (2013) Contemplating existential risk, in Earth 58, [pages not available].

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The population cycle drives human history - From a eugenic phase into a dysgenic phase and eventual collapse


Weiss V. (2007) The population cycle drives human history - From a eugenic phase into a dysgenic phase and eventual collapse, in Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies 32, 327-358.

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Immortality and doomsday


Richmond A. (2004) Immortality and doomsday, in American Philosophical Quarterly 41, 235-247.

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Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery


Barker K., Baroud H. (2014) Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery, in Reliability Engineering and System Safety 124, 201-206.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk