All publications - existential risk

AI and Phronesis


Eisikovits N., Feldman D. (2022) AI and Phronesis, in Moral Philosophy and Politics 9, 181-199.

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Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery


Barker K., Baroud H. (2014) Proportional hazards models of infrastructure system recovery, in Reliability Engineering and System Safety 124, 201-206.

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Discounting, Buck-Passing, and Existential Risk Mitigation: The Case of Space Colonization


Gottlieb J. (2022) Discounting, Buck-Passing, and Existential Risk Mitigation: The Case of Space Colonization, in Space Policy 60, [pages not available].

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Forest Resource Availability After Nuclear War or Other Sun-Blocking Catastrophes


Winstead D.J., Jacobson M.G. (2022) Forest Resource Availability After Nuclear War or Other Sun-Blocking Catastrophes, in Earth's Future 10, [pages not available].

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The Values and Directions of Uploaded Minds


Olson N. (2014) The Values and Directions of Uploaded Minds, in Intelligence Unbound: The Future of Uploaded and Machine Minds [volume not available], 212-221.

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Linking solar geoengineering and emissions reductions: strategically resolving an international climate change policy dilemma


Reynolds J.L. (2022) Linking solar geoengineering and emissions reductions: strategically resolving an international climate change policy dilemma, in Climate Policy 22, 285-300.

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Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity


Dirzo R., Ehrlich P.R., Ceballos G. (2022) Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity, in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377, [pages not available].

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Immortality and doomsday


Richmond A. (2004) Immortality and doomsday, in American Philosophical Quarterly 41, 235-247.

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Introduction: Is extinction a thing of the past?


Booth S. (2021) Introduction: Is extinction a thing of the past?, in Reconsidering Extinction in Terms of the History of Global Bioethics [volume not available], 1-8.

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Loss of biosphere integrity (biodiversity loss and extinctions)


Trouwborst A., Somsen H. (2021) Loss of biosphere integrity (biodiversity loss and extinctions), in Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries [volume not available], 222-245.

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Manually-curated Bibliography

Existential risk

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Existential risk