All publications - existential risk

Long-term biological consequences of nuclear war


Ehrlich P.R., Harte J., Harwell M.A., Raven P.H., Sagan C., Woodwell G.M., Berry J., Ayensu E.S., Ehrlich A.H., Eisner T., Gould S.J., Grover H.D., Herrera R., May R.M., Mayr E., McKay C.P., Mooney H.A., Myers N., Pimentel D., Teal J.M. (1983) Long-term biological consequences of nuclear war, in Science 222, 1293-1300.

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Seeing into hearts and minds: Part 2. 'Big data', algorithms, and computational counterinsurgency


González R.J. (2015) Seeing into hearts and minds: Part 2. 'Big data', algorithms, and computational counterinsurgency, in Anthropology Today 31, 13-18.

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Coping with ecological catastrophe: Crossing major thresholds


Cairns Jr. J. (2004) Coping with ecological catastrophe: Crossing major thresholds, in Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 4, 69-79.

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Planet doom: Nine scenarios for imminent apocalypse-only one is global warming


Plumer B. (2010) Planet doom: Nine scenarios for imminent apocalypse-only one is global warming, in New Republic 241.0, 23-25.

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Biotechnology and the lifetime of technical civilizations


Sotos J.G. (2019) Biotechnology and the lifetime of technical civilizations, in International Journal of Astrobiology [volume not available], 1-10.

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The hazard from fragmenting comets


Napier W.M. (2019) The hazard from fragmenting comets, in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 1822-1827.

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Geo-engineering gone awry: A new partial solution of Fermi's paradox


Ćirković M.M., Cathcart R.B. (2004) Geo-engineering gone awry: A new partial solution of Fermi's paradox, in JBIS - Journal British Interplanetary Society 57, 209-215.

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A singular chain of events


Tonn B., MacGregor D. (2009) A singular chain of events, in Futures 41, 706-714.

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Extraterrestrial impacts on earth: the evidence and the consequences


Grieve R.A.F. (1998) Extraterrestrial impacts on earth: the evidence and the consequences, in Geological Society Special Publication 140, 105-131.

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Climate Change, Health and Existential Risks to Civilization: A Comprehensive Review (1989⁻2013)


Butler C.D. (2018) Climate Change, Health and Existential Risks to Civilization: A Comprehensive Review (1989⁻2013), in International journal of environmental research and public health 15, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk