All publications - existential risk

Posthumanism and human extinction: Apocalypse, species, and two posthuman ecologies


Odorčák J., Bakošová P. (2020) Posthumanism and human extinction: Apocalypse, species, and two posthuman ecologies, in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 19, 47-62.

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Biotechnology and the lifetime of technical civilizations


Sotos J.G. (2019) Biotechnology and the lifetime of technical civilizations, in International Journal of Astrobiology [volume not available], 1-10.

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Long-term biological consequences of nuclear war


Ehrlich P.R., Harte J., Harwell M.A., Raven P.H., Sagan C., Woodwell G.M., Berry J., Ayensu E.S., Ehrlich A.H., Eisner T., Gould S.J., Grover H.D., Herrera R., May R.M., Mayr E., McKay C.P., Mooney H.A., Myers N., Pimentel D., Teal J.M. (1983) Long-term biological consequences of nuclear war, in Science 222, 1293-1300.

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Working together to face humanity's greatest threats: Introduction to the Future of Research on Catastrophic and Existential Risk


Currie A., Ó hÉigeartaigh S. (2018) Working together to face humanity's greatest threats: Introduction to the Future of Research on Catastrophic and Existential Risk, in Futures 102, 1-5.

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Planet doom: Nine scenarios for imminent apocalypse-only one is global warming


Plumer B. (2010) Planet doom: Nine scenarios for imminent apocalypse-only one is global warming, in New Republic 241.0, 23-25.

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The race for evolutionary success


Tonn B., Stiefel D. (2012) The race for evolutionary success, in Sustainability 4, 1787-1805.

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Malcode mysteries revealed


Ford R. (2005) Malcode mysteries revealed, in IEEE Security and Privacy 3, 72-75.

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Protection of the human race against natural hazards ( asteroids, comets, volcanoes, earthquakes).


Smith J.V. (1985) Protection of the human race against natural hazards ( asteroids, comets, volcanoes, earthquakes)., in Geology 13, 675-678.

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Chapter 4: Catastrophe: Impact of comets and asteroids


Rampino M.R. (1995) Chapter 4: Catastrophe: Impact of comets and asteroids, in World Survey of Climatology 16, 95-147.

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Testing the Doomsday Argument


LESLIE J. (1994) Testing the Doomsday Argument, in Journal of Applied Philosophy 11, 31-44.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk