All publications - existential risk

Existential risk assessment: A reply to Baum


Rowe T., Fox J., Beard S. (2020) Existential risk assessment: A reply to Baum, in Futures 122, [pages not available].

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Posthumanism and human extinction: Apocalypse, species, and two posthuman ecologies


Odorčák J., Bakošová P. (2020) Posthumanism and human extinction: Apocalypse, species, and two posthuman ecologies, in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 19, 47-62.

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Would a super-intelligent AI necessarily be (super-) conscious?


Torrance S. (2011) Would a super-intelligent AI necessarily be (super-) conscious?, in Machine Consciousness 2011: Self, Integration and Explanation - Proceedings of a Symposium at the AISB'11 Convention [volume not available], 67-74.

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Coping with ecological catastrophe: Crossing major thresholds


Cairns Jr. J. (2004) Coping with ecological catastrophe: Crossing major thresholds, in Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 4, 69-79.

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Chapter 4: Catastrophe: Impact of comets and asteroids


Rampino M.R. (1995) Chapter 4: Catastrophe: Impact of comets and asteroids, in World Survey of Climatology 16, 95-147.

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Climate change impacts on biodiversity-the setting of a lingering global crisis


Rinawati F., Stein K., Lindner A. (2013) Climate change impacts on biodiversity-the setting of a lingering global crisis, in Diversity 5, 114-123.

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Risk and Response to Biological Catastrophe in Lower Income Countries


Luby S., Arthur R. (2019) Risk and Response to Biological Catastrophe in Lower Income Countries, in Current topics in microbiology and immunology 424, 85-105.

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Heading for a world apocalypse?


Collins D.A. (2010) Heading for a world apocalypse?, in Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies 35, 242-254.

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Exploring expanding expertise: artificial intelligence as an existential threat and the role of prestigious commentators, 2014–2018


Galanos V. (2018) Exploring expanding expertise: artificial intelligence as an existential threat and the role of prestigious commentators, 2014–2018, in Technology Analysis and Strategic Management [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Endangering humanity: an international crime?


McKinnon C. (2017) Endangering humanity: an international crime?, in Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47, 395-415.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk