All publications - existential risk

Aesthetic Value and the AI Alignment Problem


Helliwell A.C. (2024) Aesthetic Value and the AI Alignment Problem, in Philosophy and Technology 37, [pages not available].

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Emerging Technologies, Risk, Peace, and Conflict


Taylor N.B. (2023) Emerging Technologies, Risk, Peace, and Conflict, in Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies [volume not available], 139-190.

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Why space exploitation may provide sustainable development: Climate ethics and the human future as a multi-planetary species


Reiss M.J., Szocik K. (2023) Why space exploitation may provide sustainable development: Climate ethics and the human future as a multi-planetary species, in Futures 147, [pages not available].

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Animals and Longtermism


Rozas M., Horta O. (2024) Animals and Longtermism, in World Futures [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Climate Change Peace and Conflict


Taylor N.B. (2023) Climate Change Peace and Conflict, in Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies [volume not available], 109-138.

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Blueprint for forever: Securing human far futures with ectogenesis


Edwards M.R. (2023) Blueprint for forever: Securing human far futures with ectogenesis, in Futures 146, [pages not available].

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Incorporating Existential Risks into Sustainable Development Research


Guillaume B.G. (2024) Incorporating Existential Risks into Sustainable Development Research, in World Sustainability Series Part F3447, 201-211.

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Scientists warning on the ecological effects of radioactive leaks on ecosystems


Aguirre A.A., Rozzi R., Valdés L.M., Buchori D., Innes J.L., Pearl M.C., Medellin R.A., Ripple W., Sukumar R., Padua S.M., Padua C., Ibarra J.T., Bonacic C., Ganswindt A., Aguirre L.F. (2023) Scientists warning on the ecological effects of radioactive leaks on ecosystems, in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, [pages not available].

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The doomsday argument is alive and kicking


Bostrom N. (1999) The doomsday argument is alive and kicking, in Mind 108, 539-550.

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The reaction of glaciers to impending climatic change


Kotlyakov V.M., Grosswald M.G., Dyurgerov M.B., Mazo V.L. (1991) The reaction of glaciers to impending climatic change, in Polar Geography and Geology 15, 203-217.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk