All publications - existential risk

Health risks of solid waste management practices in rural Ghana: A semi-quantitative approach toward a solid waste safety plan


Vaccari M., Tudor T., Clasen T., Bauza V., Vinti G., Zurbrügg C. (2023) Health risks of solid waste management practices in rural Ghana: A semi-quantitative approach toward a solid waste safety plan, in Environmental Research 216, [pages not available].

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Disaster management: Socio-legal and Asia-Pacific perspectives


Nottage L., Butt S., Nasu H. (2014) Disaster management: Socio-legal and Asia-Pacific perspectives, in Asia-Pacific Disaster Management: Comparative and Socio-Legal Perspectives [volume not available], 1-58.

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Gregor Strniša's lyric subject


Žunkovič I. (2014) Gregor Strniša's lyric subject, in Primerjalna Knjizevnost 37, 23-45.

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Humanitarianism vs Human Rights: a Practitioner’s Perspective


Weingartner E., Merriman K. (2024) Humanitarianism vs Human Rights: a Practitioner’s Perspective, in Toronto Journal of Theology 40, 245-254.

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Global human settlement analysis for disaster risk reduction


Julea A.M., Ferri S., Halkia M., Soille P., Freire S., Haag F., Kemper T., Pesaresi M., Florczyk A., Ehrlich D. (2015) Global human settlement analysis for disaster risk reduction, in International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 40, 837-843.

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Biochar-based nanocomposites for industrial wastewater treatment via adsorption and photocatalytic degradation and the parameters affecting these processes


Amdeha E. (2023) Biochar-based nanocomposites for industrial wastewater treatment via adsorption and photocatalytic degradation and the parameters affecting these processes, in Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Natural disasters and bank stability: Evidence from the U.S. financial system


Schüwer U., Noth F. (2023) Natural disasters and bank stability: Evidence from the U.S. financial system, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 119, [pages not available].

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Space biological and human survival: Investigations into plants, animals, microorganisms and their components and bioregenerative life support systems


Yan J., Li Y., Cheng L. (2024) Space biological and human survival: Investigations into plants, animals, microorganisms and their components and bioregenerative life support systems, in Life Sciences in Space Research [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Pre-objective reality and the end of the world


Baker B. (2023) Pre-objective reality and the end of the world, in Chinese Semiotic Studies 19, 201-216.

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Automatic Extraction of Flooding Control Knowledge from Rich Literature Texts Using Deep Learning


Zhang M., Wang J. (2023) Automatic Extraction of Flooding Control Knowledge from Rich Literature Texts Using Deep Learning, in Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 13, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.

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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography

Existential risk