All publications - existential risk

Replacing carbon cloth by nickel mesh as substrate for air-diffusion cathodes: H2O2 production and carbenicillin degradation by photoelectro-Fenton


Cabot P.L., Sirés I., Brillas E., Zhou M., Ren G., Lanzalaco S. (2023) Replacing carbon cloth by nickel mesh as substrate for air-diffusion cathodes: H2O2 production and carbenicillin degradation by photoelectro-Fenton, in Chemical Engineering Journal 454, [pages not available].

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Employing applied creativity and the Engineering design process in the development of K-12 STE(A)M curriculum (work in progress)


Pinnell M., Laduca B.L., Doudican B. (2017) Employing applied creativity and the Engineering design process in the development of K-12 STE(A)M curriculum (work in progress), in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 2017-June, [pages not available].

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The effect of trait anxiety on risk-taking: Functional coupling between right hippocampus and left insula


Chen Q., Feng T., Zhang R., Seger C.A., Huo H. (2020) The effect of trait anxiety on risk-taking: Functional coupling between right hippocampus and left insula, in Psychophysiology [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Study on calculation method of ecological environment flow rate of water conservancy and hydropower project in coal mining area


Wu X., Dong Y., Chowdhury A.J.K. (2019) Study on calculation method of ecological environment flow rate of water conservancy and hydropower project in coal mining area, in Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 18, 1555-1560.

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A regional nuclear conflict would compromise global food security


Robock A., Khabarov N., Xia L., Zabel F., Rabin S.S., Toon O.B., Foster I., Heslin A., Rosenzweig C., Elliott J., Liu W., Franke J., Jagermeyr J., Schmid E., Bardeen C.G., Puma M.J., Folberth C., Asseng S., Muller C. (2020) A regional nuclear conflict would compromise global food security, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117, 7071-7081.

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Neighborhood effects in climate change adaptation behavior: empirical evidence from Germany


Hünewaldt V., Osberghaus D. (2023) Neighborhood effects in climate change adaptation behavior: empirical evidence from Germany, in Regional Environmental Change 23, [pages not available].

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Killing the Silent Witness: The Benefits of an Authorial Stance as Interpreter in Future-focused Natural Biography


Pye S. (2020) Killing the Silent Witness: The Benefits of an Authorial Stance as Interpreter in Future-focused Natural Biography, in Life Writing [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Hybridization in the Anthropocene – how pollution and climate change disrupt mate selection in freshwater fish


Schumer M., Bank C., Moran B.M., Rochman C.M., Rosenthal G.G., Powell D.L., Ramirez-Duarte W.F., Sousa V.C. (2024) Hybridization in the Anthropocene – how pollution and climate change disrupt mate selection in freshwater fish, in Biological Reviews [volume not available], [pages not available].

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The Rotting City: Surrealist Arts of Noticing the Urban Anthropocene


Wilson J. (2023) The Rotting City: Surrealist Arts of Noticing the Urban Anthropocene, in Space and Culture [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Earthquake insurance in Iran: solvency of local insurers in light of current market practices


Ghafory-Ashtiany M., Motamed H. (2024) Earthquake insurance in Iran: solvency of local insurers in light of current market practices, in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 24, 2707-2726.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk