All publications - existential risk

Urban Governance and Climate Action Challenges in Africa


Home R. (2024) Urban Governance and Climate Action Challenges in Africa, in Local and Urban Governance Part F3225, 31-46.

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Climate change and mental health: time for action and advocacy


Power E., McCarthy N., Cotter D., Cannon M., Kelly I. (2023) Climate change and mental health: time for action and advocacy, in Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 40, 6-8.

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Zoonotic urbanisation: multispecies urbanism and the rescaling of urban epidemiology


Gandy M. (2023) Zoonotic urbanisation: multispecies urbanism and the rescaling of urban epidemiology, in Urban Studies [volume not available], [pages not available].

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The Environmental Sustainability of Plant-Based Dietary Patterns: A Scoping Review


Bazinet R.P., Sidhu M., Malik V., Jenkins D.J., Carey C.N., Khodabandehlou K., Wanyan J., Dadvar A., Hanley A.J., Tandon S., Dinh D., Liang F., Sahye-Pudaruth S., Paquette M., Mishra E., Sievenpiper J.L., Brown R. (2023) The Environmental Sustainability of Plant-Based Dietary Patterns: A Scoping Review, in Journal of Nutrition 153, 857-869.

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Digital Technologies, Temporality, and the Politics of Co-Existence


Coeckelbergh M. (2023) Digital Technologies, Temporality, and the Politics of Co-Existence, in Digital Technologies, Temporality, and the Politics of Co-Existence [volume not available], 1-92.

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Zombies as an Allegory for Terrorism: Understanding the Social Impact of Post-9/11 Security Theatre and the Existential Threat of Terrorism through the Work of Mira Grant


Paige T.P. (2020) Zombies as an Allegory for Terrorism: Understanding the Social Impact of Post-9/11 Security Theatre and the Existential Threat of Terrorism through the Work of Mira Grant, in Law and Literature [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Energy and civilization: A history


Smil V. (2017) Energy and civilization: A history, in Energy and Civilization: A History [volume not available], 1-552.

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Avoiding Carbon Apocalypse Through Alternative Energy: Life After Fossil Fuels


Lowry J. (2017) Avoiding Carbon Apocalypse Through Alternative Energy: Life After Fossil Fuels, in Avoiding Carbon Apocalypse Through Alternative Energy: Life After Fossil Fuels [volume not available], 1-150.

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Post-Disaster Scenarios: Towards Environmental Alternatives of the Global South


Hrubec M. (2023) Post-Disaster Scenarios: Towards Environmental Alternatives of the Global South, in Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 21, 512-525.

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Imagining what underlies corporate sustainability


Ahern G.M. (2015) Imagining what underlies corporate sustainability, in Journal of Management Development 34, 494-504.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk