All publications - existential risk

Zeolite-based materials for greenhouse gas capture and conversion


Li J., Li L., Zhang Q., Yu J. (2024) Zeolite-based materials for greenhouse gas capture and conversion, in Science China Chemistry [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Beyond Cyber-Doom: Assessing the Limits of Hypothetical Scenarios in the Framing of Cyber-Threats


Lawson S. (2013) Beyond Cyber-Doom: Assessing the Limits of Hypothetical Scenarios in the Framing of Cyber-Threats, in Journal of Information Technology and Politics 10, 86-103.

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“I once knew a madman who thought the end of the world had come”: The apocalypse in Matéi Visniec's play Paparazzi ou La Chronique d'un lever de soleil avorté


Kucharuk S. (2024) “I once knew a madman who thought the end of the world had come”: The apocalypse in Matéi Visniec's play Paparazzi ou La Chronique d'un lever de soleil avorté, in Romanica Cracoviensia 24, 25-33.

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Democracy in Europe: Enlarged But Eroding-A Union in Existential Crisis


Silander D. (2023) Democracy in Europe: Enlarged But Eroding-A Union in Existential Crisis, in The EU between Federal Union and Flexible Integration: Interdisciplinary European Studies [volume not available], 25-50.

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Anthropocene Bodies, Geological Time and the Crisis of Natality


Clark N. (2017) Anthropocene Bodies, Geological Time and the Crisis of Natality, in Body and Society 23, 156-180.

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Dying for Capitalism: How Big Money Fuels Extinction and What We Can Do About It


Derber C., Moodliar S. (2023) Dying for Capitalism: How Big Money Fuels Extinction and What We Can Do About It, in Dying for Capitalism: How Big Money Fuels Extinction and What We Can Do About It [volume not available], 1-248.

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Dynamic Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 Injection in Depleted Carbonate Oil Reservoir for its Sequestration Potential: An Experimental Study


Al-Abdrabalnabi R., Wu Y.S., Kamal M.S., Khan S.Z., Zhou X., Yu W., Elsayed M. (2023) Dynamic Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 Injection in Depleted Carbonate Oil Reservoir for its Sequestration Potential: An Experimental Study, in SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, MEOS, Proceedings [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Ecocritique at the End of the World


Anfinson K. (2023) Ecocritique at the End of the World, in New Political Science 45, 142-153.

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Human conflict resolution in a non-Terran context


de Vigne J. (2023) Human conflict resolution in a non-Terran context, in The Institutions of Extraterrestrial Liberty [volume not available], 140-150.

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The 1908 Tunguska explosion: Atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid


Chyba C.F., Thomas P.J., Zahnle K.J. (1993) The 1908 Tunguska explosion: Atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid, in Nature 361, 40-44.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk